Special Chapter: Fairy Tail Meets My Hero Academia

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[Lets be honest, I think we all knew this chapter was gonna happen eventually]

Bakugo wandered throughout the forest in search of Kirishima. "Where the fuck is that spiky bastard." He mumbled to himself. Bakugo continued to walk through the forest, calling out for his friend.
Suddenly, he noticed a small oval-shaped black thing on the ground. He slowly approached it out of pure curiosity. Out of no where, a pair of hands pushed him into the black hole and he was sent flying through it.
"WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!" He screamed as he continued to fall. He suddenly blacked out and when he came to, he woken up in a whole other dimension.
"Lucy!!! You got to come see what I accidentally created."

"Natsu. For the last time, I don't want to see your overgrown toenail."

"No no no! It's not that! I'm still working on that [That sentence was mumbled] Just come!" Natsu being the impatient little dragon slayer he is, grabbed onto Lucy's wrist and pulled her out of the guild hall. They soon arrived at an oval-shaped hole on an alleyway wall.
Lucy approached it. "Woah what is this?" The closer she got, the harder it was for her to walk on her own. Eventually the hole started to suck her into it. "Uh Natsu!"

"LUCY!!" Lucy reached her hand out towards Natsu but he didn't make it in time. The minute the hole pulled her in, it closed up. Natsu ran back towards the guild to look for help
Bakugo eventually regained consciousness. He sat up and looked around him. He was in a dark alleyway. He looked behind him: where he popped out; nothing was there. "Fuck." He mumbled to himself. He got up off the ground and started to walk out of the alley, "THIS BETTER BE SOMEONE KIND OF FUCKING JOKE, KAMINARI AND KIRI-" his eyes widened as he entered an unfamiliar town. The sunset made the water sparkle vibrantly, drawing Bakugo near it. "This whole place looks like something out of a fantasy anime..." [huehuehue]

He looked around for the closest person and spotted a guy with drawn-back spiky hair and a red headband with two white zig zags.
"Yo! Where the fuck am I?!"

The guy peered over with curiousity. "Hm?"

"Did I fucking stutter??"

"Listen here buddy" [Its all just a big fantasy, you see. Inside of your head] "who the fuck do you think you are; barking orders at me?!!" The two butted heads.

"Gajeel. Please stop." Lily suggested. Bakugo removed his forehead from Gajeel's and peered over to the source of the voice.

"What the fuck is that!?!! Is that fucking cat?!? AND IT TALKS?!!? Oi I think I'm going crazy. For fucks sake!"

"No you're not going crazy. My name's Pantherlily. Nice to meet you."

Bakugo's eyes remained widened as he tumbled to the ground.

"Look what you did." Gajeel blamed Lily.

Bakugo sat up from a cold wooden bench. "W-what happened?" He said wearily.

"You fainted." Lily said.

"Where are we"

"In the guild hall."

"Guild hall?"

"You're not from around here are ya?" Bakugo shook his head in response. "A guild is where a group of mages are brought together to practice their magic. And the guild hall is where the guild meets." Gajeel explained.

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