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"Are you sure you want to do this? This means that you pay for her and take care of her. You take her to school and on tour you sign her up for homeschool. Are you 100% commited?" David asked Daniel through the phone.

"Absolutely one. Hundred. Percent." Daniel reassured David. "Go for it. But she is YOUR responsibility. Okay?"


"Go get her."


Daniel drove himself to the shelter and saw Oni. "Hey Oni." Daniel said. "Hi Daniel. Today is the day right?" He asked. Daniel nodded and Oni smiled.

Charlie opened the door to outside when she looked up. She gave Daniel a hug and he started talking. "So, Charlie. You know how you hate it here?" He asked and she nodded.

"So-" Daniel was cut off by Logan. "Charlie! Get your ass-" When d aniel heard him say that and her fearful expression, he cut him off as well. "Excuse me?" Daniel said heartbroken. "I mean... I need to talk to you Charlie." Logan scarcefully corrected himself. "She's not tralkimg to you anymore." Daniel snapped.

"And why is that Daniel?" Logan asked. "Because I taking her out of this place." As Daniel said that, Charlie looked at him in excitement. "Really!!" She asked eagerly. "Absolutely."


Once d aniel got her signed out of the shelter, he walked outside with her and flashed a smile at Oni as he opened the passenger seat for her. He closed it as she fastened her seatbelt.

He got in as well and started the van. "Thank you for getting me out." She said. "Of course." Daniel smiled.

"So, we're starting from scratch, so I'm going to call my friend Aspen so she can help you shop." Daniel said as he connected his phone to the speaker.

"Hi Daniel. What's up?" Aspen asked. "So, you know that girl I was talking about?" Daniel asked as he pulled out, talking to the car. "Yeah, Charlie right?" She asked. "Yeah. So I just got her out of the shelter but I need you to help me get her some clothes please." Daniel explained. "Omg of course I'll help. Pick me up now?" She asked. "I'll be there in 10."


Daniel and charli both approached Aspen apartment door as he knocked. Charlie held on close to Daniel. Aspen opened the door and smile, causing Charlie to smile as well. They hugged and Aspen stepped out ready to go and before they knew it they were at the mall.

Aspen suggested Hollister, Tommy, and Forever21, so thats where they went. Charlie got an array of Jeans, shirts, hoodies, and a lot of shoes.

Next was furniture. Keep in mind, Daniel was paying for this, so him and Aspen decided to split the paycheck.

Overall, they both spent about 3,000 dollars each just for Charlie. Of course, Charlie didn't know how much that actually was.

When d aniel showed up at the house with all this stuff and Charlie, the boys weren't the happiest people on earth but Charlie and Daniel stayed upl all night putting her room together.

Charlie laid in bed that night and thought.

"My life may not suck anymore."


Commanders plan is working. And maybe a little someone will be willing to help?

Sorry for the bad chapter

A Good Girl, Wrong Timing. {{Completed}}Where stories live. Discover now