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Charlie slipped on her jacket and her backpack, grabbed her phone, and hugged all the boys before leaving for the bus stop

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Charlie slipped on her jacket and her backpack, grabbed her phone, and hugged all the boys before leaving for the bus stop. Daniel planted a kiss on her head and she clutched her phone as she closed the door behind her.

She walked with her ear buds in to the bus stop and sat at the bench provided. Someone plopped down next to her and she looked up at them. It was Ken from Target. "Ken! Hi." Charlie said, catching his attention. "Oh, hey..." he hesitated. "Charlie." She corrected.

"Charlie." He confirmed, looking off to the street. "What grade are you?" Charlie asked. "Oh, I'm a sophomore." He answered. "Oh. I'm a freshman." Charlie smiled. "It's nice to have a friend already."


Charlie held her schedule uo to her face as she tried to read the small words, but her first room number was messed up in the printer. "Ken!" She called out. "Yeah?" He turned around, closer than she thought. "Where is Mr. Fedricks class?" Charlie asked.

"Room 300." He answered. "Thanks." She said walking upstairs to the last room on the second floor.


Daniel told her that he would pick her up from school, so she waited by the front where everyone else was.

She heard a bunch of squeals, then remembered Daniel is famous. She gave Ken a smile as she walked twards the car. She pushed past people and got to the door. She opened it and got in, then emedietly locked the door.

"Jesus." Charlie muttered. "How was your day at school?" Daniel asked. "Good I guess. I saw Ken there. He's a sophomore." Charlie responded as Daniel started driving. "That's cool." He responded. "How was your day?" Charlie asked changing the subject to him.

"Boring without you." He smiled. "Thanks. And the food sucks here." Charlie rolled her eyes. "So, you're saying my food is better?" He asked. "I never said that." She laughed.


Liked by @seaveydaniel and 1,207 others@charlieann Baby, I got me

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Liked by @seaveydaniel and 1,207 others
@charlieann Baby, I got me.
👤 @seaveydaniel

@Seaveydaniel Have I ever told you how beautiful you are??
   @Jonahmarais ^^

@jackavery dope😝✌

@music_bustnut Mammi😏

@charliefan MY QUEEN

@blissymarais leave the boys alone.

@haterbaiter ugly

@ship_xoxox I SHIPPP


"CHARLIEEEEE!!" Daniel hollered. "Yeah?" She asked walking downstairs. "What do you want for dinner?" He asked. "Um. I don't know. I haven't been very many places." She admitted. "Sushi?" Jack asked. Gabbiee agreed.

"Is this okay?" She asked gesturing to her outfit. It was the one in her instagram picture. "Yeah that's great." Daniel said.


The waitress put down the sushi on the table. "This looks disgusting." Charlie said making everyone laugh. "I know. Just try it." Jack said agreeing. "It's really good." Gabbiee added. "I'm trusting y'all... Lord please save me." Charlie said making them laugh harder.

Charlie hesitantally dipped a peice of sushi in the soy sauce and up to her mouth. "Jesus help me." She muttered before putting it in her mouth. She stopped chewing as she didn't like the taste. "Oh come on!!" Zach said laughing. "Child." Corbyn said handing her a napkin.

Charlie slowly let it slide out of her mouth and onto the napkin. Daniel laughed as Jonah had recorded the whole thing. "It taste like... I'm not gonna finish that sentace." Charlie said laughing herself.

Daniel ended up getting her hooked on HIS food, so she ate that and he ate hers. (HAHAAH "HE ATE HERS" IM DEADDD... okay I'll stop)


"Good night princess." Daniel said kissing her head and hugging her, before she shut her door.

"You really like her huh?" Zach asked. "Yeah." Daniel said walking away.


Commander was impatient. He wants them too regret being alive, although it's not their fault. He wants them to fall in love. He wants them to die. He wants the fame but not the blame. So, he'll kill himself as well. He's always wanted to kill.

But there won't be an always.

But vowels are evil.

A, e, I, o, u.

E for ending.

Just goes to show that when things get better,

They are instantly ruined.


Cherish life while you still can my friends.

A Good Girl, Wrong Timing. {{Completed}}Where stories live. Discover now