finale pt.1

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Charlie and the boys waited on the couch, just in silence. Humming. Singing. Playing instruments. Playing shurades. Anything to keep them occupied. They boys know what happened, but they dont care.

"If he shoots anybody and you're not going to die, pretend you're dead." Charlie said as she tapped her foot, waiting. For all they know, it could be seconds, minutes, weeks even.

"How do you know he's gonna shoot us?" Jonah asked. "Growing up, he had an obsession with guns. He had them all over, he made me watch him clean them. I helped him clean them. He treated them better than me." She admitted. "Wait, does that mean you know how to use them?" Zach asked. Charlie nodded.

"Nice." He replied. "Theres no doubt in my mind that he won't try to stab us either." Charlie chuckled. "Why the hell are you laughing right now!?" Zach asked. "What's the point in not? Were going to die. Why aren't we trying to leave the country?" She snapped back. "Becayse of we survive we wojt have enough money to stay a band." Daniel said.

"So you're just gonna die instead. Got it." Charlie said annoyed. "I thought you wanted to die." Zach said. "I thought you did." She replied with sass. "Bitch." He mumbled.

"I can give you a reason to wanna die." She said popping her knuckles. "Charlie... please stop-"

"Daniel. Are you kidding me?" Corbyn spoke. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I think Charlie's right. We need to get-"

There was a knock at the door. Jonah got up to look through the hole. "Who's this lady?" Charlie shot up and ran to the door, trying to avoid making too much noise.

She peeked through as well and instantly recognized her. She started crying. Not for her, for them. Why does she have to be the one to ruin their career?

"He's here." She whispered. "The guards are just on the floor... that's blood." Jonah said. "That fucking bastard slit their necks. Guys hide. Its only so long until the police are here." The boys scrambled up and slid into rooms, closets, anything.

Charlie turned around and saw him. He was different. He was cowardly, something he usually isn't. "How long have you been here?" Charlie snapped. "The whole time." He replied. "Why... why do you want to do this?" She pleaded for their lives.

"Your father Charlie. Your father was a great man. My best man actually." He said starting to walk circles with Charlie. The boys were listening and recording audio. "Really?" Charlie grinned, then it faded. "Who did you mary?" She asked looking up to him, backing away more.

"Your mother, then he stole her. At my wedding. I tried to play it cool but I wanted her to have my child." He said. "That answers my second question." She snapped. He clocked the gun and positioned it in his hands.

"C.. commander dont do this. You're better than this. I know you are." Charlie admitted. "Arent you scared?" He asked. "Not one bit. And you're going to have to go through-" she was cut off.

"Me first." Daniel said walking out of a closet. "Daniel... what are you doing?" Charlie yelled. "Ah. Love... sickening." Commander said before trying to shoot a shot at Charlie. Daniel took the shot, but really it just hit his hand, he took her advice and pretended to be dead.

At the gun shot, the rest of the boys poured out. "Yo!" Corbyn yelled noticing Daniel's hand and slight breathing. "Maybe we can work something out!" Zach hollered.

In a swift motion, he shot zach in the head. Making everyone flinch and close their eyes but Charlie. "I dont do compromises." He said. "Second, my name isn't yo." He added, taking a shot at Corbyn, right next to Charlie.

She didnt even flinch.

"So, three down. Who's next? I see Charlie isn't too fased." He said. "Commander I'm sorry I wasnt good enough but take me. Let them be. PLEASE!" She cried. "Its too late for that." He mumbled.

Charlie reached for the pocket knife on the table next to her, then opened it behind her back, then holding behind her with her left hand, leaving her right one free.

She whipped the barrel of the gun facing the window, away from everyone. "Take off the damn mask." She demanded. He was silent.

She held up the knife and repeated herself. "Take. Off. The. Damn. Mask!" She said a little louder. He started shooting shots over and over. The barrel was hot so Charlie let go.

She instantly regretted it as it ended up killing jonah and jack. She stood trembling. "Why you so scared?" He mimicked. "IM NOT SCARED. YOU ARE!" She screamed making daniel flinch on the ground. He smirked, taking off the mask.

"JOEY!?" She yelled. "Fucking sick bastard." She added. He raised the gun to her head, then started counting down from three. "Three..." he started.


Before one, Charlie whipped the gun around to face him, causing him to shoot himself. Sirens arrived as mother ran up behind her, stabbing her in the back. She bled out quickly.

As for Daniel, he lost so much blood he was unconscious, but he was breathing.

A, e, I, o, u.

A = always look up.
E = things end badly.
I = intense emotions.
O = over the top love.

As for u?

No one knows.

U = you and me...

That obviously didnt happen.

A Good Girl, Wrong Timing. {{Completed}}Where stories live. Discover now