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"Charlie was the best girl. She was better than the fans. She loved me, she loved everyone. She wanted to be nice to people but if they didnt respect her first then she was not going to let them have hers. She was everything I wanted. She stole everyone's hearts. She was so photogenic. Just..." Danuel took a second to breathe before he started crying on national TV, "just everything." He said leaning back with his hands in his pockets. "I miss her. I miss all of them. I know Gabbiee is devastated. Her and jack were soulmates. Christina called me last night sobbing. She asked me if he said anything about her. The police found a necklace with Corbyn's name on it in his pocket. Reese is so.. so sad. Zach got blown in the head what do y ok you expect? But jonah... jonah could've lived, but he bled out too much. I almost did I think Charlie did it for me." He was crying at this point. "No one. Absolutely no one can make this okay. No one can make this better for me. Charlie was my girl and she had it worse. I heard her gargled breathing before I passed out. I should've listened." He finished.

"Listensd to who?" The reporter asked tearing up. "She said we should've left the country and I see why. Be wiped to guards off their feet in seconds." He said. "Do you think that gun laws should be forced?" He asked. "It depends." He said quietly, not wanting to get backlash. "What do you think fans will say about this?"

"I dont give a living, breathing shit about the press. I dont care anymore. Nothing can make this okay and nothing else matters." He replied. "Just charlie." He muttered letting a few tears fall.

"Alright. Than you for your time Mr. Seavey." He said. "No problem." He said looking back up. He isn't doing well. Hes numb and now that he has to talk about it, hes even worse. He doesn't want to eat. His phone rang.

It was Gabbiee.

"Hey." He said. "Hi Daniel." She sniffled. "How you doing?" He asked walking away from the park he did  the interview at. "Not good." She sighed. "Me too."

"Um are you doing anything?" She asked. "Just getting coffee. Jonah loves coffee." He cried. "Hey, hey. Calm down. Could you pick me up from the airport?" She asked. "Of course." He said. "When?"


"15 minutes and I'll be there."

He hung up and scratched the thought of coffee. He drove over to the airport and waited. He waited for the only one who understands. "Daniel." She said tapping his shoulder. He turned around. "Gabbiee." He said hugging her. They sobbed into each other's shoulders.

"I'm glad you went home." He said. "Me too. I wish yall came with me though." She replied letting go, wiping away her mascara.

They sighed and he took her bags.


Back at home, they cuddled on the couch. Daniel is the closest thing to jack she has, and gabbiee is the closest thing to Charlie that he has. It wasnt touchy, they couldn't do that to jack and Charlie. Even if they are dead.

Just brother and sister hugs, forehead kisses, sitting next to each other, comfort, support. They just want things to be normal, but that cant happen without them.

The house doesn't smell the same anymore. Certain areas smell like rotting bodies, others like bleach.

Every now and then, a police officer would call in to see how they were.

Daniel refuses to do therapy. He knows Charlie thinks its bullshit. She wouldn't want it so why would he?

Daniel and Gabbiees faces are tearstained, red. Daniel's hand is still stained along with his other skin that came in contact with blood.


Somehow, the news channel got turned on.

Daniel sat on the couch with his guitar in his hand but they couldn't bring themselves to talk at all. Not even the slight noise. It just won't work.

"The man who killed the victims who have been identified as Charlie Molloy, Corbyn Besson, Zach Herron, Jonah Marais, Jack Avery, and attempted Daniel Seavey, and himself, is Joey Dice Garcia. He was Charlie's, now 48, year old neighbor.we have an interview with Daniel Seavey about to be replayed right now." It stated.

Once his speech finished, they were in tears all over again. "Corbyn Besson and Zach Herron were shot in the head with a single shot. Jonah Marais was found with two wounds, one to the heart, one in the lung. Jack Avery, blown all ove-" Daniel turned off the TV.

They had a sleepover on the couch, feet intertwined in the middle. They had snacks.

They may not have everyone, but at least they have each other.

Just everything.

A Good Girl, Wrong Timing. {{Completed}}Where stories live. Discover now