Chapter 9

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Cally's pov

The moment I had lain down on my bed I regretted my decision. Gally's screams were so loud that even pulling my pillow over my head didn't shut it out. Which wasn't really that big of a surprise. The wooden walls of the Homestead weren't much thicker than the pillow. Seeing no other option, I decided to go sleep outside.
     When I left the Homestead, I noticed that most people have had the same idea. Bark and I walked towards the corner of the North and East wall, the furthest away from the screaming boy, hoping I wouldn't be able to hear Gally from there.
     I was wrong. I could still hear it, the screams were just not as loud as near the Homestead. I tried laying down, trying to get some sleep, but apparently, I wasn't allowed to.
     The night seemed to be longer than all the others. After what felled like forever, I gave up on trying to get more sleep and started walking again. Hoping moving around in the dark would help me relax and get sleepy.
     Bark and I walked toward the Deadheads, which quickly had become my favorite place in the Glade. When we got closer, I saw someone sitting against a cut-off tree trunk. It was Newt. The moment he noticed us, he gestured me to sit with him.
     "So you can't sleep either?" I asked.
     "Not really. Most of us can't when someone's going through the Changing. There's a lot of screaming."
     I nodded slowly, "what's that? The Changing? Exactly, I mean."
     Newt shrugged. "Somethin'."
     "No shit." I said through a combination of a sigh and a chuckle. "Seriously, what is it? What's happening to him?"
     "Are you gonna tell me your secret if I tell you?"
     Every sign of amusement left my body. "Are you seriously going to be a dick about it? 'Cause I won't tell you any sooner if you're gonna push me." Not feeling like being pressured or guilt tripped, I started to get up. But Newt took my wrist and stopped me, letting out a small laugh.
     "I was just joking." Newt said before continuing a little more serious. "We don't really know what it is. It happens when you're stung by one of those bloody Grievers. You'll get some memories back, just pieces of memories. No one who went through it really talks about it, but it changes them."
     "This place is getting worse every time I learn something new." I said, pulling my knees up so I could rest my arms and head on top of them.
     Newt led out a sad chuckle, "Welcome into the Glade, Cals..."
     For some time, we didn't talk, until I finally got the courage to ask something. "Newt... I was thinking. I want to be useful, and it seems to me that the best way to be that is to find a way out, right?"
     Newt looked over at me, not completely understanding where I was going with this. "I guess. Are you-"
     I didn't let him finish and just talked further. "I think I want to be a Runner. So I can help find a way out of this place."
     "A bit early for a death wish, don't ya think?" The blond responded without looking at me.
     I shrugged. "Nah, already had those since I was 10, just got rid of them like a year ago." I joked. "But seriously, I want to help."
     Newt ignored my remark. "You just saw what a Griever can do to ya. And that's if you survive. I don't think it's a good idea."
     I lifted my head from my knees after hearing his reaction. "Why not? You said I could be a good Runner."
     "Maybe I did, but being a Runner takes a lot out of ya. You need to have great stamina and an even better memory. Besides, we need to be able to trust you, and ya need to prove yourself before a Keeper will put you up for selection."
     "How do I prove myself?"
     "By doing stuff." Newt basically dismissed my question. "Ya're really gonna be stubborn about this?"
     "Hell yeah, I am. I want to get out of this place."
     "We all do, Cally." Newt clearly wasn't up for this discussion, but I still wasn't done trying.
     "Well, let me help. I can prove myself. Tomorrow, I will race you, or Minho or every freaking Runner in the Glade. I know I can beat all of you." Maybe it was a bit much, but I really wanted this.
     "Not tomorrow. Maybe in a few days. Good that?"
     "Fine with me." I lay my head back down on my pulled up knees. My brain going back to the other jobs around the Glade. "By the way, where do I work tomorrow?"
     Newt thought for a moment. "I think it was in the Gardens with the Track-hoes. Do ya remember who the Keeper is?"
     I tried to think, but I was too tired to really focus. "It's too late for complicated questions like that, Newton." I leaned back, resting my head on the tree trunk, Bark was already asleep beside me on the ground.
     "That wasn't a complicated question."
     "Shut up, Shank. I wanne sleep." I wasn't aware that I was using one of the Gladers' words. I was exhausted and not thinking much. But what I was fully aware of was waking up the next morning resting on Newt's shoulder, with a blanket pulled over me.


Newt's pov

I was sitting by the Deadheads, Cally and Bark had joined me. We had talked. I enjoyed messing with her. Sure, it was always fun to mess with the Greenbeans. But she had been quiet for some time now.
     "Cals?" She didn't react, when I turned my attention to her, I saw that her eyes were closed. She had fallen asleep.
     At least she can sleep... I thought. she has a lot to do tomorrow. A lot to get used to.
I wanted to sleep too, but I couldn't. I leaned my head back against the tree and looked at the girl beside me. She really wants to be a Runner? We could use a new one, it won't take long before one of us gives up and she is fast, and smart... she could do it. But why do I have the feeling that I don't want her to? Great, I barely know the shank and I'm already more worried about her then most of the other Gladers.
     One of Gally's screams made Bark open her eyes, ears spread, and her head shot up. When he stopped screaming, Bark moved closer to Cally, making her open her eyes just far enough for her to see the dog. She lay a hand on Bark's back and petted her, seeming barely aware of what she was doing, already closing her eyes again.
     The only reaction I got was an annoyed sounding, "Uhum."
     "Do you want a blanket?"
     "That sounds nice." She tried and failed to suppress a yawn while she said those words. It made me smile as I stood up to get her a blanket. She's rather adorable when she's not being sarcastic.
     As I lay the blanket over her shoulders, she looked at me for a moment through barely open and sleepy eyes. "Thanks," She murmured. I sat back down in my own spot, or actually a little bit closer to Cally than before.
     "Ya're welcome, Greenbean."
I could hear Cally giggle softly, "Hey, it's okay, it's okay, you're welcome...." she sang in a soft, sleep drunk voice before completely falling asleep again.

Apparently, I had fallen asleep too, because when I opened my eyes, the sun was rising. I turned my head to look at Cally, whose head was resting on my shoulder. I thought that would be uneasy, but it wasn't. It felt familiar, as if we had sat like this before. It made me wonder for the third time since she had arrived why so much about her felt familiar. And if she had the same familiar feeling when I was around. 
     A few minutes later, she opened her eyes. The moment she realized she had been lying on me, she got up. "Sorry..." she mumbled, rubbing her eyes.
     "It's okay." I responded, brushing it off.

After a quick breakfast, I walked Cally to the Gardens. "It's Zart." Cals suddenly said.
     "Zart. The Keeper of the Track-hoes. His name is Zart. I knew I remembered, just couldn't think of it last night."
     I chuckled, I had already forgotten about that part of our conversation last night. "Well, better late than never."
     After I dropped her off by the Gardens it was time for me to go into the Maze again.


Published: 12/03/2018
Edited: 17/05/2020

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