A young child is hospitalized
The child's family members
Didn't give up hope
The doctors do everything
In their power
To treat the child
They also believe
The child would survive
When an old woman
At the age of ninety three
Is entrusted to them
Why don't they give her
The same treatment
She is also of the same race
And social status of the child
So why
Have the doctors given up?
Some of her family members
Also already given up
The old woman refused to die
Her body was at its limit
She was suffering
She couldn't drink too much water
For her kidneys were not
Functioning properly
She was feeling uncomfortable
For she was lying on the bed
Too long
Despite that,
She continued to live
And so she suffered for a month
She missed Chinese New Year
She eventually made it
She proved her doctors and
Family members wrong
This is the true power of willpower
The Sloth's Voice
PuisiThis is a collection of poems written by a sloth. Sloths are known for being slow, this one is not an exception. With that being said, please sit back and enjoy the show. Note: All pictures and videos used belong to their respective owners.