Im arrow canary

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Can I please fight crime with everyone?

Felicity's pov,

No! I say. Why not mom ? Nyra asks. Because I don't wanna lose you . I say. But mom please. She asks again. No Nyra! You only train and I don't know if you're going to come back every time. I say with tears. But.... no Nyra ! I sad no! I said and ran away. I ran to the park. I sit down and try to calm down. Felicity! I hear Oliver scream. While I was running I lost my glasses I think because I didn't have them on. Babe!! He yelled again . He grabbed me . Felicity please calm down. He said softly. I don't wanna lose her! I cried . I buried my head in his chest. I know . He said while he was rubbing my back slowly. She can't die , she is the only thing we have Ollie. I said while looking at him. I know and I'm scared to but she is growing up. She's 14 already babe. He said . I know . I said while I was calming down. I found your glasses. He said and gave me my glasses. I love you . I say . I love you to . He said and kissed me . Now I have to make things right again with my girl. I said grabbing his hand and walking back to the arrow cave.

Nyra's pov,

She ran away . I stood there . My mom ran away because I wanna be a hero ! I yelled at Sara. Nyra calm down Kyle said laying his hand on my shoulder. No Sara said that I had to tell them and look now where it gotten!!! My own mom ran away from me !!!!! I screamed at Sara while I was crying. I was mad and sad . I ran to the training room and punched the dummy and shot some arrows. The door opened. Nyra honey.... can I come in. I hear my mom say. I stop shooting with arrows. Wow you actually can shoot pretty good. She said . Look I'm sorry that I over reacted. I just want you to be save . And not to get hurt. Mom says with tears. I know but I'm not 5 anymore. I say. I know and that's why I have to let you go but only with dad Sara , laurel , Kyle and diggle. She said. I smiled and hugged her. I love you mom . I say. I love you to my baby girl. She said . I have to go I say as I see laurel with a crying Sara. What have I done. I taught. Sara ... I say . She ignored me . Sara please . I say. Don't you see what you have done? Laurel says. Look I'm sorry , tears are getting in my eyes. I'm sorry , I'm sorry what I said to you . I'm sorry .... I started crying by then. I got closer. Sara I'm so sorry you where the only one that helped me , I'm sorry off what I said to you, I'm really sorry you where the first one that believed in me . I cried . She got up looked up at me I taught she would go away but instead she hugged me tight. Laurel wanted to go but I held her and hugged her as well. I'm sorry Sara I cried. I'm sorry to she said. You don't have to be sorry I have to. I said . And you are and I still love you . She said . I love you to , I'm love you both. I said hugging them harder . So what do you wanna be called? Laurel asks. The arrow canary! I say.
I love it! They both say. I laugh. Mom !! I yell yes Nyra! She says. What do you think? I ask and show her the outfit. I like it is it Sara's old suit?  She asks . Yep I can have it . I say.  Here you go , Sara says and gives me dad old bow and arrows. Thanks I say . Why do you need those? Dad asks. Because I'm arrow canary! I say . The name is perfect for you . Mom says and hugs me. I smile. Dad comes over and gives me a hug to . I'm proud of you. He says. I know . I say. We're all proud of you. Laurel says. I only smile . It now 6 p.m. and I'm really hungry. Mommy can we go home I'm hungry. I say. Yes we can she says . Then there goes a pie ping sound of. No we can't dad . Says getting his bow . Ugh I'm hungry . I say. You can order a pizza . Mom says. Okay . I say. After 30 minutes the pizzas are here and me and Mon eat one of them. Dad didn't come back for at least 2 hours so I was stuck here. Kyle had to go home so I was alone beside my mom . I sat down on the mini couch. I was playing some games on my phone. Honey dad can't come home for another hour ! Mom yells. Okay !!!!! I yelled back. I was watching videos as I felt my eyes getting heavy. As soon I was asleep.

Oliver ,

Finally I was done so i could go home with my girls. I get back to the cave and saw Nyra asleep on the mini couch. Come babe . I whispered to felicity. Why are you whispering? She asks . I pick up my 14 year old daughter. Ow . Felicity says. Gmmmh dad?! Nyra asks. Calm down it's me honey . I say softly. Okay she says and puts her arm around my neck. I carried her to the car and drove home. She was asleep so I putted her in her bed. She is very tired. I say to felicity. Me to . She says putting the covers over her. I laugh. I get in bed and took Felicity in to my arms. I love you. I say kissing her. I love you to . She says kissing me back. Good night. She says. Good night babe. I say closing my eyes. Soon we where asleep.

Hopefully it is good

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