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Nyra's pov,

We need to talk. Mom says. I look at her then at my dad and then the boy. Go Sit down please. Dad says to us. I sat down . Nyra this is William.... his my ...son. Dad says. I looked confused to dad. What are you saying? I ask. His my son his you're half brother. Dad says. I look at mom. His mom died a few days ago. She whispers. I don't understand. I say.  Before we where together I was with this woman it was one time and I never saw her again then I got married and we had a baby. And after William was 7 years old I saw him for the first time his mom didn't wanted me to know him but we already knew each other. Now his mom died and has no family left except me . Dad says. So you lied again? I ask. I'm sorry. He says. No you're not you are never sorry you say that you wouldn't lie again but you do it every single time! I yell. Nyra, he doesn't have anyone left. I've could had told you. He says. Yes you did! I yell . I stand up and walked to the door. Nyra please wait! Dad says walking after me. I wanted to open the door. But he blocked it. Let me go ! I say. Nyra I'm sorry . Dad says. You always say that but you aren't!! I yell with anger. Nyra... he says . I use my canary cry and leave the house. I run to my horse . Hazel ! I yell . She came running to me. I get on her and then we ran away together. My tears flow of my face . Hazel stopped. What's wrong? I ask. I look up I saw Kyle. I got of hazel.  Kyle. I cried running to him. It's okay. He hugged me. He lied again . He said that he wouldn't do it anymore. I say. I know but it isn't the boys fault. Kyle says.  I know but I wanted to be happy every time I'm happy there follows a tragedy. I say. I just wanna go away. I say . You can stay as long as you want with me. He says . I nod. We putted hazel back and walked to laurels house. Go home talk with your family and if it goes wrong you can come to me okay ? Kyle says. I nod. Nyra ? Mom asks. Mom. I say. Where is dad? I ask. He's already home with William. Mom says. Okay. I say. Thanks laurel for everything. I say. And hugged her. You're welcome if there is something you are always welcome to come here. She says. I nod. We drove home. Mom is he going to live with us forever? I ask. Not forever but for long. She says. And you're not mad that he just swoops into our lives? I ask. No he just lost his mother it isn't his fault. She says. No not his it's dads. I say. Nyra your dad did it to protect you. Mom says. But it isn't fair! I say. Life is not fair honey. She said. We got home . Nyra? Dad stands up . I'm sorry . He says. Are you okay? I ask . Yes but my ear still ring a little . He says. I'm sorry. I say. So dinner is ready! William yells. He cooks too? I say. He wanted to make the meal. Dad says. I sat down and started eating. It tastes weird but that was just me I think. So are you going to quit being the green arrow? William asks to dad. I choked . Yes if that is what you want. Dad says. I choked again . Are you okay Nyra? Dad asks as he heard me coughing. No ! I say. First you lie then you are going to quit being the green arrow and I nearly choked to death .I say angry. William laughs . I'm sorry but our dad has 2 children now it's way to dangerous. William says . I looked angry at him. Their something wrong with this guy. I murmer .Nyra please calm down. Mom says. I ran away Nyra where are you going? Dad says. Away! I yell and grabbed my jacket. I sent a message to Sara . She will pick me up in the patch with the waverider. On my way I felt sick my stomach began to hurt. Sara was here. Nyra are you okay? She asks. I nod . I came on board of the waverider. So everyone knows you're here. Sara says. Sa...ra... I.... don't.... feel .... so ..... good. I get out before collapsing on the floor.

Sara's pov,

Ray! Help me. I yell . Nyra wake up. I say. We get her to the medbay . Gideon what's wrong with her. I ask. I found high levels of poison in her stomach. Gideon says. Is she going to make it? I ask. Yes captain lance but the poison is now running trough her blood.she says. How did she get poisoned. I say. There was a large amount of it in the food she ate. Gideon reply's . I've got to call Oliver. Oliver?! I say. Sara what is it I have a bigger problem on my head. Oliver says. Your daughter is laying here in the medbay she was poisoned! I say. What how?! He asks . There was something in her food. I say. I've got it felicity will come to the waverider. He says hanging up the phone. Is she okay? I ask. She looks worse than it is. But she will be fine. Gideon says. She looks so pale and her lips are slowly turning white. She looks like a ghost. Captain lance, miss. Smoak is here. Gideon says. Let her in. I say. I ran to felicity. Where is she? She asks. Here I say. And ran with felicity to Nyra. What happend? She asks. She is poisoned. I say. How? She asks. There was something in her food. I say. William, she says. What with William? I ask. Nyra said that there was something wrong with him. And I was so stupid to not listen to her. She says. Where is William now ? I ask . He ran away

Nyra's poisoned by William?
I'm sorry for the ones who like William
Hopefully it is good

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