Faith has a baby sister?

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Nyra's pov,

I wake up of my alarm. Ugh school. I say. You don't wanna go ha. Mom says . I fell out of bed . God you're scared the poison out of me. I say . I'm sorry . Mom says . I laugh . Do you feel better? She asks . Yup. I say . She nods and walked out of bed. I picked out my clothes and got dressed . I walked downstairs. Hey sweetie. Dad says. Hey dad. I say. What is that smell?! I say. I ran in to the kitchen. Pancakes! I yell . Yup sit down and eat. Mom says . I nod and sit down and stuffed my mouth full of pancakes. After breakfast I took my bike to school. Hey Faith ! I say. Heeeey I have amazing news! She says . Your all better you where sick ? But ... had you the solar Flaire?! I say. Nooooo. She says . Then what is it? I ask. I have a little sister! She says. What ?! What is her name? I ask . Her name is Hailey Jane Emery Zor-El Danvers! Faith says. Omg that's soooo cuteee is your mom gonna pick you up?! I ask. Yep together with my dad. She says . Oooh then I can see her . I say. She laughs . Everyone was here so Faith told everyone about her new baby sister. After a long day of school. We can finally go home. Mom!!! Faith yells and runs to her mom. Hey honey. Miss Danvers says to Faith . I run after Faith. Ooh ... congratulations miss Danvers. I say. Thank you Nyra. She says. She is so cute. I say. Do you have time? I ask. Euh yes we have time . Mon-el says. Wait I'm gonna call to my dad . I say. They nod. I call my dad . Dad can you come home miss Danvers has another baby so I said that they could go home with me so you guys can see the baby . I say. Yeh that's fine I'll be there in a sec. dad says . Okay . I say and hang up the phone. Faith picks me up and flys me together with her mom ,dad  and Kyle to my house. Omg can we do that all the time it's amazing! I say. Faith laughs. Come in . I say and open the door. Dad was already home together with mom, Sara and laurel.  Miss Danvers gave the baby to mon-el and gave everyone a hug. It's good to see you again . She said to everyone. Is this your baby girl? Mom asks. Miss Danvers nods. Can I hold her. Mom asks . Miss Danvers gave the baby to my mom. Ow she is so cute ! What's her name? She asks. Her name is Hailey Jane Emery Zor-el Danvers.  Faith says . Those are beautiful names. My mom says. I look at my mom . You know what ? My mom says. I will cook dinner and you stay and eat with us. She said. No no you don't have to. Miss Danvers says. No I stand on it you have to go to a breach every day so you're daughter can come to school so I will make dinner for us all. My mom says. Me and Faith look at each other. We ran upstairs. Where are you guys going? Dad asks . Where gonna play video games! I yell. We plunge on my bed and set on the PlayStation that I have. Yes I know I'm a girl but I like video games and so does Faith. 30 minutes later we where playing fifa . No no no !!!! I yell as Faith scored. Yeaaaasss!! She yells. Ny!!! Faith dinners ready !!! My mom yells . Where coming!!! I yell back. We paused the game and run downstairs. What are we eating? I ask. Lasagna a la mama! My mom says. Are you sure dad didn't help you make it? I ask. Okay yes he helped me. My mom laughed. Now you know . I say to Faith. We all laughed. Mmmm this is so yummy! Mr Matthews says . I know where this is going , I have to make this myself from now on? Miss Danvers says. Yup. Faith says. We laughed. We ate our dinner and then we ran back upstairs to play farther. After an hour Faith's mom yelled to Faith that she had to come downstairs. We stopped the game and got downstairs. We have to g now. Miss Danvers says. Dad ? ..... I start . No honey Faith can't sleep over today but if you be patience. Then you can have a sleepover and Maybe Alexa can come as well . Dad says. Deal! I say. He laughs. Okay see you tomorrow. I say to Faith and hugged her. Goodbye miss Danvers mr Mathews. I say. Goodbye Nyra. They say. The stepped into the breach and disappeared . Now young lady you go change into your pjs and get ready for bed. Mom says. I nod and ran upstairs. I changed into my pajama and brushed my teeth. Mom I'm ready! I yell . I'm coming! She yelled back. I get in my bed and pulled the covers over me. Good night sweetie. She says.Good night mommy. I say. She leaves my room I was about to close my eyes if I heard someone fell of the stairs. I ran out of my bed . Mom are you okay? I say as I quickly ran down to her. Mom? I ask. Then al the lights when of. Dad! I yell . Nyra where are you? He asks. I'm at the end of the stairs downstairs! I say. Wait there I'm getting my phone! He yells . He was upstairs. A minute later he came downstairs with his flashlight from his phone. Mom? I ask again. No response. Dad she fell and doesn't answer me. I say . Dad picked her up and lays her on the couch. She wakes up. Easy mom . I say. What happend? I ask. I don't know . Dad says. All the lights when out is it something with the power? I ask . No it's something different. Mom says. How do you know? I ask . Because my spinal implant that helps me walk isn't working.

Hopefully it is good

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