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Nyra's pov,

Mom! I cried . Someone call 911! I yelled . There on the way! Alexa screamed. I'm going to kill that son of a bitch! I said with pure anger. Nyra calm down I will call you're dad and my mom okay? Kyle asks. I nod and start crying again. My dad and laurel where on there way . Alexa and Faith both are home with there family now because I said that the should go home . After 10 minutes the ambulance was here the took mom and we had to stay here. Then we heard a sound . The sound of someone walking. I took my bow and arrow and looked around the house.  Kyle !!!! I yelled I found that son of a bitch who tried to kill my mum. I'm going to kill you . I said cold. My dad came running in. I'm going to kill you!! I screamed. Nyra don't! Dad came running to me taking my bow away. Laurel and Kyle had the man arrested and called the police. I will kill him. I said as cold as ice. Nyra honey you don't wanna do that. Dad said . Yes I do, he nearly killed mom! I said cold. I know and he is going to prison for that. Dad said. I looked up to my dad . He almost killed mum! I felt crying in his arms . He shot her . I cried . I know baby I know. He said. Come we go to mommy. He said taking me to the car. We where in a limo that dad came in together with laurel. Now Kyle  was there to. He looked worried. I'm laying against my dads chest with my hands around him and his hand around me. We where at the hospital. Felicity smoak. I ask. She is in her room 123 on floor 4 The woman on the reception says. I nodded and go to the room. I came in . Sara was with mom. She gave me a hug . Mom? I ask . Yes. She said. She looked pale . Mommy I was so worried! I cried hugging her.   The doctors said that I wouldn't be alive right now if you weren't brave to find me .  She said. I'm glad I'm smart as you and brave like daddy. I say. After a few hours it was almost midnight and I was tired. Baby come here. Mom said. I came over . Come lay down with me. She said pulling me by her side. I love you mom. I said and fell asleep.

Oliver's pov,

Felicity babe I was so worried. I whispered.  I know I was scared.  And please promise if there ever happens something to me please do not leave or abandon her She said.  Babe no o will never leave her I promise but Babe there something wrong with Nyra to. I say. Why? She asks. She looks to much like me. I say worried. That's nothing to worry about. She said. Yes it is babe she almost killed that guy that almost killed you. I say. Are you kidding? She asks. No babe. I say. She was still .now don't worry about that and rest I will be by you're side the whole time. I say kissing her. Okey honey. She said . She peacefully fell asleep as I was stroking her hair back.  I was going to make sure the man that shot her is going to be in prison for life!

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