The dinner didn't go as planned

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Nyra's pov,

We where eating our dinner. I sat in between my mom and dad. Then our phones began to ring. Ow no not now?! I say. Sorry honey. Dad says. Ugh . I say. Check please! Dad yelled. Go I will pay. He says to everyone. We all nod and go . We got changed. Pfff I wanted to go and have fun with my family and friends but yeah you know some stupid robbers wanted to rob the bank! I say frustrated . You know when duty calls you have to go. Sara says. I know. But now I can use my canary cry for the second time . I say. You really like you're canary cry ha. Laurel asks. No I don't like it I love it. I say. Yup mom we picked the right gift. Kyle says to his mom. I smile. As soon we had to go dad was ready . The robbers where still in the bank. I cried . They all covered there ears. I cried louder . There ears where bleeding. They dropped there guns . Then dad and Sara arrested them and handed them to the cops. It very late . And tomorrow is school. Ugh I hate school but yeah . I got changed. See ya tomorrow babe. Kyle says. Yeah , love you. I say. Love you to . He says and kisses me. I got to my dad and mom. And then the limo drove us home. I got home and changed to my pj. I lay down on my bed. Are you happy? Dad says coming in. Yes dad very happy thank you for all the amazing gifts. I say. You're welcome, good night.He says and he turns around. Dad! I say. Yes honey? He asks. I did sign that he had to come to me. I sat up straight and hugged him. Love you dad. I say. Love you to my baby girl. He says. I smile. Good night dad! I say. Good night honey. He says. Can mom come please ? I say . Yeah of course. He says. Felicity baby come please! He yells. Coming! Mom yells. What is it? She asks. Our daughter wanted to see you. Dad says. Okay . She says. Hey baby. Mom says. I just wanted to say good night. I say. Good night sweetheart. She says kissing my forehead. Good night mommy. I say . I lay down and she turns off the lights. I turned and fell asleep.

*Next morning in school*

Hey Alexa ! I say. Hey birthday girl. She says . My birthday was yesterday. I say . I know but I had to say it . She says . I laugh. Where is Faith ? I ask. She's sick . Alexa says. Ow okay. Kyle! I yell and wave at him we walk to him . He just got out of laurels car. Hey miss. Lance. Alexa says. Hey Alexa laurel says. Hey laurel. I say. Hey Nyra. She says. Be safe baby. She says to Kyle and kisses him on the forehead. Mom not in front of my friends . He says. We laugh. Kyle it's okay. I say. By mom! He yells and walks away. We laugh. Where is Faith ? He asks she's sick . I say. She too? He asks. Yes why? I ask. Because Collin is sick too. He says. O so it's just us today? Alexa says. I guess. I say. The school bell rang . First class. I say. Ugh. Kyle says. I laugh.

Felicity's pov,

Olivier ! We need to go to central City for 2 days . Cisco said that there was a problem. I say. Okay we wait till Nyra is home and we tell her to stay with laurel . He says. I nod and pack a bag for the 2 Days.

After school Nyra is home.

Ny me and dad need to go to central city , there is a problem in star labs. I say. Ow okay and do I have to stay here all alone? She asks. No you are going to go to laurel for those days. Oliver says. Ow okay . She says and ran upstairs. After 20 minutes she came down with a bag. Are you ready? I ask. Yep . She says . We go to the car and drove to laurels place.  Bye mom and dad! Nyra yells and ran to Kyle . We laugh. So it's really okay for you ? I ask laurel. Yeah of course. She says. Okay if there is something wrong just call us. Oliver says. I will . Laurel says. Thank you so much . I say. You're welcome. She says . We got in the car and drove to central city.

Laurels pov,

Guys ! Dinners ready!! I yell . We're coming! Kyle yells back. Are they always like dis? Sara asks. Yup . I say . But sis when we where little we where also like that . I say . That's true . Sara laughs. They came running down stairs. Be careful Sara says. Sara!!!! Nyra yells. She came running in hugging her. Nyra is like our little sister . Hey aunt Sara! Kyle says hugging her too. Is grandpa coming too? He asks. Yes he'll be here in a minute. Sara says.  I'm here! Dad yells.  Hey dad. I say . Hey honey. He says . So the whole family is here? He says. Yeah Oliver had to go to central city and asked if Nyra could stay here. I say. So you are the girlfriend of my grandson. He says to Nyra. Yes mister lance. She says . Please call me quintin. He says. Nyra nods. After we where finessed with dinner we ate ice cream and watched some tv. Dad had to go home and we we had to go to the cave there was a problem . We suited up and got to the place. We all went to different directions. After 30 minutes I heard someone softly scream. Help me ! Help me please! I hear . I searched everywhere. Then I found the person. It was Nyra. Help me . She whispers. She was bleeding out of her nose and mouth. Nyra baby are you okay? I ask. Help me . She says. I came closer but she was scared. No don't do it , please . I'm the only one my mom and dad has.she says and cry's . Nyra it's me laurel. I say . No please don't hurt me. She says. Nyra baby . I say. No no.... she passed out. I picked her up. Kyle come we need to go back! I scream. On our way Nyra woke up. She stared at me like I was someone different. I layer her down on the table. Burr you're okay. I say. What happend? Sara asks. I don't know I say. She looked at Sara. Sara's dead ! Sara died. Laurel died, my dad died! Everyone died! Nyra yelled. Nyra you're okay. I say. Why do you you look like laurel . She says holding my hand tight. Nyra baby I am laurel . I say . You died I've missed you don't die we need you. She says holding me tight. Sara gave her a medicine. She passed out. What the heck is going on!

Hopefully it is good

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