Chapter Six

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*Arthit's POV*

Arthit was ashamed to admit he enjoyed staying over at Earth's home.  Singto had continuously called him.  Except Arthit didn't turn off his phone.  He wanted Singto to go though a little hardship for upsetting him. 

Each time his phone rang or indicated a message Arthit felt satisfied.  He wanted to know why Singto was being overly friendly with Todd.  Singto was trying to get a reaction from him.  When he saw how worried Singto had been, he realized Todd wasn't someone he had to worry about.  

Singto was too honest for his own good.  Acting wasn't in his blood.  Arthit ignored yet another call from Singto as he walked through the fields with Earth, grinning to himself.

"You are heartless N' Arthit.  Why are you making the detective suffer?" Earth asked.

Arthit quickly looked at Earth.  "I never said P' Sing was a Detective P' Earth.  How did you know?" he asked.

"He was with Todd, and he said something about being late for work.  So, I assumed Singto was an officer as well.  Is he not?" she asked.

Arthit was far from convinced.  Earth seemed to be judging his features. 

She sighed, smiling widely.  "You are like what they say about you Arthit," she said.

"What do you mean P' Earth?  What have you heard about me?"

"I have a lot of questions too.  How did you manage to get Nai to kill Bright?  What did you have on him?"

Arthit's eyes widened in shock.  "What?"

"Oh, come on Arthit.  You know what I am talking about.  I'm not complaining actually.  Bright was an annoyance for all of us in the business.  Trying to expand parameters to areas that didn't belong to him," Earth said, examining a tree close to her.

"P' Earth... I.."

"N', when a new police officer arrives into town, we always look into their background.  What their weaknesses are.  I guess you already know why.  When I found out you, our hero, was with Singto I was more than excited to meet you.  You shouldn't be a teacher.  You should work with us," she said matter of factly.

Arthit cursed himself.  Being in love sure made him an idiot.

"Me getting a job at the school wasn't a coincidence was it."

Earth shrugged, "I may have had something to do with that."


"Why?  You took down the biggest cartel in Bangkok.  A talent like yours, shouldn't be wasted.  You and I both know being with a cop isn't giving you that thrill, the satisfaction."

Arthit looked at her questioningly.

"I used to date Todd, but he was too good.  I was putting him in danger as well."

"What's his secret," Arthit muttered under his breath.  Todd used to date Singto and Earth.  Two amazing individuals.

Earth laughed.  "I have to say.  I'm much cooler than your Detective."  She put her hand on Arthit's shoulder.  "So what do you think?  I can guarantee your protection."

"And if I don't agree?" Arthit asked.

"We can pretend this conversation never happened," she said.

Both of them were shocked by a voice that came from behind.



*Singto's POV*

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