Chapter Sixteen

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*Arthit's POV*

"It's a passport with a ticket to Japan.  I got one too.  I will join you if you want me to.  Let's go away Arthit.  Let's move far away from these people," Singto said, his tone desperate.

Arthit laughed heartily.  "P' Sing, I.. I don't know what to say."

"Say yes Arthit.  Haven't you noticed we had spent more time apart rather than together?  We can be together and never separate again.. please.."

"That's not what I meant P' Sing.  What I'm saying is I can't.  I don't want to run away.  I have nothing to lose."

"What about me?  Don't you have me to lose?" Singto asked.

"A romance between a cop and a criminal is only good for porn P', not real life.  Haven't we been through enough to know that by now?" Arthit asked, exhausted. 

Singto could be stubborn at the worst of times.  Arthit looked at the passport Singto had handed him.  "This is a fake passport, P' Sing.  What's this?  Are you committing crimes as well?"

Singto didn't answer his question.

"I knew you wouldn't have agreed to run away, but at least I tried," Singto said sighing heavily.  "Why is it that you always choose the dramatic way out?"

Arthit watched him confused.

"Get in the car.  We have to meet someone," Singto continued.

"P' Sing, I think we should separate and stop hurting each other," Arthit said quietly.

Singto gritted his teeth visibly.

"You can decide what you want after we meet this person."


"When I walked out of that prison I didn't think you would pick me up just to send me back in P' Sing," Arthit said.

"You are not going back to jail.  Don't complain.  You are the one who didn't want to run away," Singto said.

"If you don't want me to be rot in jail for the rest of my life, why are we at your childhood home?  Or do you really want me dead this time?"

Singto winced.  Arthit wanted to apologize immediately.  But they were interrupted by Singto's father.

"Singto!  What's going on?  Why is this boy here?  I will call the guards."

Arthit and Singto stood up.

"Poe, I advice you to remain where you are.  I know everything you did, and I have evidence against you that will ruin your entire career and probably ruin your daughter's lives as well.  You misused your power for personal gain.  Imagine how that would look like in the newspaper," Singto said angrily as Arthit watched in shock.

"How dare you threaten your father!"

"I shot the man I loved for you.  What did you do for me?  Ruined an innocent man's life."

"He isn't innocent, and you know that!" Singto's father shouted.

"Arthit and I are in a relationship.  You can't do anything about it.  I'm not sixteen anymore Poe.  If you don't want your dirty secrets getting out, I want you to support us and give us full protection.  If anybody touches us you will regret it," Singto said firmly.

Arthit remained speechless.

"Get out of my house.  I don't want to see you again," Judge Kirkkai said.

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