Chapter Twenty Six

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Just as the lake is calm, so am I.

With just me and Clara in the boat, and the trees and the mountains framing the picturesque view, I am more relaxed than I've been in a very long while. In fact, I am happy. So happy, I'm just floating along with my happiness on this little boat. 

"Um, you're going to attach the bait to my hook, right?" Clara dubiously asks, her face screwing up with such repulsion at the sight of me sliding some maggots onto my own hook.

Shaking my head with a big smirk, I cockily say. "Nope, you're on your own, baby." Just as I confidently slide a few more wrigglers onto my curved and sharp metal barb.

I'm half expecting Clara to start pleading and begging with me to bait up for her, but she surprisingly doesn't. Being the resilient beauty that I know she is, she somehow forces herself to overcome her huge dislike of maggots, and starts baiting them up. One at a shaky time, I watch my girl do her brave thing. And it's while I watch her, that I start smiling to myself. How can one person make me so happy? It's something that I just start wondering to only myself. It's not a question that actually needs some deep and definitive answer, because it is just what it is...Clara is the one person who makes me happy. I keep smiling and keep on watching her, enjoying all that she is and grateful for all that she brings to my life. Then, my girl shows off her full and loaded hook to me, gorgeously grinning from ear to ear with smug satisfaction. Nodding at her whilst winking her way as I carefully cast out with relaxed and happy ease. As I place my fishing reel into the boat rod holder, I'm excited to know that in just a few seconds, I will be touching her. Holding out my hand to Clara, I coax her to stand with me in the boat. Although there's a little hesitation in her teal eyes, her fingers eagerly curl around mine as she slowly eases herself up. Not used to the boat, her off-balance causes it to shakily rock. "I've got ya." I gently assure my girl, coaxing her body not to react to the sudden swaying motion of the boat. "I want you to carefully turn around and then slowly pick up your rod. Keep your movements really slow and steady." My hands are now lowly and securely sat on her hips, confidently keeping them in place.

Nervously, Clara begins to turn, needing to keep her one hand on me, just for a little more assurance. "I think this might be a good time to tell you that I was the girl who once completely took out two boys I was friends with during a bike ride...balance really isn't my thing." Her voice slightly trembles with her joke.

Standing myself right behind her, I whisper into the side of Clara's soft neck. "Just use those sexy hips of yours to keep yourself steady." My fingers slowly squeeze into her denim, wanting her to feel how responsive they are to just the simplest touch of her.

"You think my hips are sexy?" There's a low and sassy edge to her voice, a tone that starts paving the way to our pathway of long-burning desires.

Brushing my cheek against hers, I smile. "Very."

The boat is no longer swaying but the flirtation is certainly flowing. "My hips are quite partial to yours, too." Clara amorously tells me as her hips become things of complete control and steadiness.

Impressed and aroused, I hold her back firmly against my chest as I show my girl how to cast out her line across the tranquil lake. Together, our bodies fluidly move. Together, they seamlessly become one as the fishing line glides back and forth through the air before sinking into the reflective dark depths of the water. "Thank you." Clara affectionately says, sneaking a sweet little sideways glance at me.

Fixing my own genteel stare upon her, I thoughtfully smile before answering. "My pleasure." Then reluctantly peel that genteel stare away from my girl, so I can safely slip her fishing rod into the holder.

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