Play Toy~Luke Hemmings

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word count: 1900+


“looking good y/n” Calum whistled, eyeing me up and down as Luke and I entered the crowded house. I smiled shyly and looked down, muttering a thanks just loud enough over the music so that Calum could hear me. “no problem sweetheart, enjoy the party guys” Calum smiled, patting Luke’s shoulder as he disappeared back into the crowd.

I felt Luke’s grip on my hand tighten but I ignored it and focused on the scene in front of me. A house party, one of Calum’s specialities and this one was no different. Loud music was blasting through the whole house and people where scattered everywhere, drinks in their hands. 

I could smell the distinctive scent of weed and instantly knew that Michael was here, he’s known for bringing weed to parties, and school, and basically everywhere. “Luke! y/n!” Michael exclaimed, waving us over to the couch he was sitting at, his arm wrapped around some girl.

“hey Mike” I greeted with a smile, Luke giving him a bro hug.

“fucking hell y/n, your body looks bangin’ in that dress. I wouldn’t let her out of your sight man, she’s hot” Michael told Luke, giving me a wink. Luke grumbled and wrapped his arm around my waist. Michael’s compliment made me blush, but I pushed that away and focused on whatever was happening with Luke.

“shut up Mike” he grumbled, sitting down on the couch before pulling me onto his lap. I looked at him concerned and cupped his neck, forcing him to look at me. 

“are you okay babe?” I asked, he nodded and fiddled with the ends of my hair. I turned my attention back to the small group sitting around the sofa and smiled at Calum as he joined us. Ashton appeared behind him and smiled wide when he noticed us.

“Luke, my man, good to see ya” he cheered, doing a handshake with Luke which sent him smiling. Ashton turned to me and kissed my cheek, “hi gorgeous, want a drink?” he asked, his eyes drifting slightly lower than my face to the cleavage spilling out of the top of my dress.

It seemed that every one of Luke’s friends were flirting with me, some way or another they all found a way to compliment me or look at me a bit longer than usual. I knew it was because they were drunk, they’re usually nothing like this when they’re sober. Nonetheless It went on for a while, after receiving my drink the boys kept making an effort to compliment me in some way.

I knew it was annoying Luke but it didn’t really show until he forced me off his lap and pulled me out of the room, bringing me to a quiet hallway nearby where no one was. 

He pinned me to the wall with his hips and caged me in with his arms which rested on either side of my head. He was full of jealousy, I could see it on his face - jaw clenched, eyes hard and his body rigid. Before I had the chance to ask him anything his lips were pressed against mine.

I whimpered into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his waist, fisting his shirt in my hands while our lips moved together passionately. “I hate those fuckers, thinking that you’re theirs to play with. Thinking that they have a chance” he rasped, hands moving down to the bottom of my dress, tugging it up until it bunched at my waist as his lips moved against my neck.

“Luuke, fuck” I moaned, feeling Luke’s hand dip down into my underwear, rubbing soppy circles against my clit. I felt so dirty yet incredible at the same time, here we were in the middle of a empty hallway in a house full of people with my dress up my waist and Luke’s hand shoved down my underwear.

I knew anyone could have walked down here and seen us but I didn’t care one bit, part of me wanted one of the boys to walk down her and see us. I wanted them to see Luke making me a moaning mess against a wall and fuck do I want them to see him fucking me from behind.

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