Community Service~Luke Hemmings

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Warnings:dirty talking,phone sex,masturbation,public sex(?)

The first time Luke Hemmings does community service at the library you volunteer at, he doesn’t say a word.

Not to you, at least. You hear him laugh softly at something Melissa, the manager, says as they put back the returned books. You’re dusting, something you hate, so your mood is steadily declining as you listen to them interact while you worked alone. Usually, Melissa was by your side as you worked on whatever chore you had that day and the minutes seem to pass like hours as you watch them with boredom in your eyes.

You had known Luke in high school. Known ofhim, at least. He was a few years older than you, and the two of you ran in completely different circles. Somehow, someway, you had fallen in with the student council, 4.0 students. Naturally, the competitive being you were, you had strived to be on par with them. So, though you had maybe thought Luke was cute when you were a freshman, you had become so wrapped up in keeping up your GPA and joining as many clubs as possible that you forgot about him.

He had long since graduated and changed drastically. His hair was darker, curlier, and just a little longer, the reminiscent fringe falling along the side of his face. He had lost the lip ring you had only slightly swooned over and had somehow grown an inch or two. He looked good, as much as you hated to admit it. You feel yourself beginning to resent him already when Jayden nudges your shoulder with his arm.

Jayden was one of the two technicians and since you technically weren’t allowed to help check out books since you were only a volunteer, usually the one behind the counter. He was older than both you or Luke, and around Luke’s height, maybe just a little bit taller. His dark, shaggy hair tickles your cheek when he leans to whisper in your ear, “Your jealousy is showing.”

You’re taken off guard, so you just furrow your brows and swing your head to look him in the eyes. “Excuse me?” You ask, and he smiles softly down at you.

“Don’t act like you have no idea what I’m talking about,” He says, and you drop the duster to your side as you turn to look at him fully. “You and Melissa are tight, and you hate that there’s a new teacher’s pet here to take your place.”

Your jaw dropped at the accusation, and though deep down you know he’s right, you glare at your friend as he chuckles softly. “I hate you.”

“You love me.” He corrects, a hand on the small of your back. He pats you gently before walking back to the counter and the book he’s left on it. You glare at the back of his head, before giving up on dusting the bookshelves. You sigh softly, walking away from the bookshelves and towards the back, setting down the feather duster against the counter before walking out of the employee break room. You listen to the nearly silent library, waiting for Melissa’s inevitable laugh, following the sound as soon as you hear it. They’re standing in Nonfiction, so you stick your head around the corner and say, “Hey, Mel. I think I’m gonna head out a little early.” You say, and her brows furrow.

“Oh, okay. You feelin’ alright, girl?” She asks, and you smile softly and nod. The behavior wasn’t usual for you, most definitely not; you always stayed at least three hours, and usually even longer than that. You had only been at the library for a little over an hour and you were already leaving.

Luke watches you carefully throughout the whole interaction. You look familiar, but he can’t place exactly where he knows you from. When your eyes finally pass over him for the first time since he walked through the double glass doors, the corners of his lips turn up in a friendly smile. You return it forcefully, turning around and walking out of the doors as soon as Melissa’s cheerful voice says goodbye. He watches as you walk away, his eyes glued to your back as you waved at the tall boy behind the counter. You’re almost out of sight when Melissa chuckles, causing Luke to rip his gaze away from you to look at her. “She’s cute, isn’t she?” Melissa asks, and Luke can feel a blush creeping up his neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2019 ⏰

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