Faking~Luke Hemmings

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word count: 3100+

Luke dug his head into my neck as he groaned deeply, then I felt his hot seed shoot into me and an even louder groan vibrated against my neck. I made a high pitched moan sound, mimicking what one of my orgasms would sound like then started to breathe heavily to make it convincing.

“fuck baby that was so good” Luke moaned, kissing me sweetly on the lips then rolling off me to lay beside me. I hummed in agreement, being as convincing as I could be. “did you cum?” he asked double checking that I actually did.


“Yeah babe I did, it was great" 

I fake smiled at him, getting out of bed and slipping my robe on to walk to the bathroom. As I sat on the toilet, pissing, I tried to remember the last time Luke had made me cum. It was our trip to Barcelona 3 weeks ago, fuck how I miss it.

It’s not that Luke sucks in bed or anything, he’s honestly one of the best people I’ve ever slept with, which makes me love him even more. But recently he just hasn’t been putting any effort in it, I’ll suck him off and make him cum then he’ll eat me out and not even try to make me cum.

Or maybe he’s actually trying and it just sucks. All I know is that he’s not making me cum, and in the 10 times we’ve had sex since Barcelona I’ve faked it every time. It feels amazing but he’ll never get me to the point of orgasming and I feel like telling him that he isn’t making me cum would just hurt him and be pointless.

I don’t want him feeling like he sucks in bed when he doesn’t, and it’s not like I’m not cumming all together, as soon as Luke leaves my hand is down my pants. So it really isn’t that big of a deal not to tell Luke.

"Are you serious!? y/n you have to tell Luke that you’ve been faking it, especially since it’s been 3 whole weeks!” my friend Rachael exclaimed, her eyes wide like she couldn’t believe I was telling her the truth.

“Shh, Luke and the boys are upstairs” I snapped, “I can’t tell him anything Rachael, I’m doing fine getting off on my own. I don’t want to hurt his feelings” I explained.

“so what, he needs to know that he’s not pleasing you. He’s gonna feel like shit if he finds out that you’ve been faking even further down the line of you guys’ relationship!” Rachael had a point, but I still couldn’t go through with it, I didn’t want to hurt his feelings.

Once Rachael had left I filtered upstairs to where the boys were, focussing heavily on writing their new songs. Luke always loved to write close to home and so did the other boys, and this house is the closest thing all the boys have to a permanent home. They don’t live here but I own it so this is one of the only permanent places that they know is always theirs I guess.

“How are things going?” I asked, leaning in the doorway. All their heads flicked towards me with smiles on their faces, except Luke’s, he ignored me and continued writing on the notepad they were using. It was odd for him to ignore me like that, but I didn’t think much of it, he was really focused on the song.

“It’s good y/n, we’ve finished another song!” Calum exclaimed making me smile, “that’s great guys, anyway I’ll be in our room if you guys need anything but I’m sure Luke will be a good host” I laughed, walking off to our bedroom.

“stand up” I heard Luke say sternly,  it was quite faint over the music I was playing in my headphones. “huh?” I asked, pausing the music and looking up at him. Luke was standing there with a clenched jaw and his hands tensed to his sides, he looked angry, so angry. “stand. up. y/n” his voice came out in more of a growl and I immediately got up from the bed.

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