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Warning: smut, tying up wit rope

“Y/N” the barrister said. I looked up from the sugar pot I had been staring at for at least 3 minutes and walked over to the man holding my strawberry and cream cooler. I thanked the man before making my way outside. God bless Starbucks for staying open for 24 hours. It was 1am and I had just finished my course work at the college library. It had taken me three week’s to complete the whole project and was due in tomorrow, which I thought I’d spend the whole night completing it. That was a bad idea as now the only thing keeping me from collapsing was the wetness of the cooler in my hand. The coldness of it dripping over my hand. 

I walked down the road to my house, the street lights lighting up the grey pavement. There was a fews whistles of wind as it made my tartan scarf flap behind me slightly. I sucked onto the see-through straw, watching the pink liquid shoot up. I heard the screeching of tyres come around the corner and a car speed past me. Some people are so impolite at this time of night, people are sleeping but no you have to speed round corners and cause a commotion. I followed the path round the corner past the alleyway but not before hearing a whimper. I looked into the ally way, seeing a large brown animal. Was it a dog?

I tucked my hand in my pocket bringing out my phone and switching on the flashlight. I saw bright yellow eye’s flash up at me as I scanned it down over the body. I’m pretty sure it was a wolf of some sort or a husky dog. Its paw had blood on and looked like it had been ran over or hit. I crouched down cautiously as it let out whimpers. I put my hand out as it sniffed over my hand, probably to make sure that I wasn’t going to hurt it. I stroked my hand over it’s head, seeing it shut its eyes. It’s paw was all bloody and me being an animal lover I could not leave it here. 

How would I get it to my house? I could carry it. I’m not strong but the wolf wasn’t to big. I slid my hands under its armpits and lifted it slightly getting to my feet. I put my arms under it and lifted it up. It let out a squeal as I walked back and out the alleyway. I was holding it really awkwardly but it was most comfortable. I trod up the stairs lunging the wolf back into my chest by each step, some of it fur flying in my face. I leant the wolf up against the door as I rummaged my pockets for my keys. They were resting at the bottom and I unlocked the door but not pushing it open. The wolfs musky scent filled up my nose as I leant it back on me. My foot came in contact with the door as I kicked it open. The wolf winced as I made my way inside.

“Shh it’s ok pup” I whispered taking it to my room, I placed it on the mattress and stood up straight stretching my back. The wolf held up its paw and whined, I stroked over its face and walked back out my room. I closed my front door not wanting to leave it open so random people can walk in. I ran my fingers through my hair and though about where I put my first aid kit. My kitchen wardrobe was the first thing that came to mind looking through some of the cupboards. The wood cupboard underneath the sink was the last one and I found the green box in there. Thank god as I heard small howls come from my bed room that could wake up my neighbours. 

I practically ran to my bedroom, trying to open up the first aid kit. The wolf had it bloody hand over its face and its eye’s closed. I sat on the bed and it perked up, looking up at me. I laid the first aid kit on the bed and took out the antiseptic wipe. I tore the packaging open, gently holding his paw and using the wipe to run over his fur. I cleaned over the large cut that was obvious, collecting the blood on the wipe. The wolf let out a growl as I ran over it. 

“It’s ok, I’m not going to hurt you” I mumbled, like the animal would actually understand what I meant. I wiped the fur around the cut, making sure to get rid of the blood. I had wiped away all the blood and chucked the wipe into the bin. In the first aid kit was a roll of white bandage which I took out and unravelled around 60cm of it. I got the small pair of scissors and cut it off, placing the roll back in the kit. I wrapped the bandage around it paw making sure to cover the whole cut. I tied a bow pulling it as tight as I could without hurting it. 

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