When hell freezes over~Calum Hood

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“He better be dead.” I growl, mostly to myself, as I stalk up the driveway, passing Calum’s car. I can’t help but stop in my tracks, glaring at the shimmering black vehicle, before kicking its tire. All the windows are darkened though, no indication of my boyfriend being home.

“If he went to the guys again and forgot – I swear, I – “ I moan, running my fingers through my hair and almost yelling out when they get stuck in the tangles of the harsh winter weather. A sigh slips me, my feet dragging along the pavement as I make my way around the house to the back door. I’m hurt – not angry, more disappointed.

Today was Calum and I’s five-year anniversary and he promised to take me out to dinner to this new Italian place downtown. Promised me he had made reservations for eight o’clock. When I called him earlier, during my lunchbreak, he had asked me if I could meet him there instead of leaving together, as he had other occupations he needed to attend first.

I didn’t think much of it, just got ready in our home and left, without any sighting of Calum. But when I got there, there was no reservation. Not on his name, not on mine.

At first, I thought I was in the wrong place. Wasn’t it Donatello’s that we were discussed a week prior? I had raked my brain for snippets of the conversation, and I was certain I was in the right place. Calum just never made the reservation.

Now, hungry, tired, and aggravated beyond belief, I hoped my boyfriend wasn’t home. Hell would freeze over before I would forgive him for this.

“Calum?” I question my boyfriend’s presence as I lock the back door behind me, my heels clicking along the freshly cleaned tile floor of the kitchen. I drop my coat on one of the nearby chairs, hearing his ruffling and muffling coming from the living room.

I feel my blood boil again as I stalk over, turning the corner but stop dead in my tracks. The living room is completely rebuilt, large pillows and blankets covering the sofa and the plush carpet in front of it. On the coffee table, all kinds of sweets and snacks are littered – along with a dark green bottle.

Calum is ruffling one of the pillows and he jolts upright when he sees me, clasping his hands behind his back as he smiles shamefully in my direction. “I – what is this?”

He strolls over, holding his arms out as his fingers grasp mine, pulling me closer, chests bumping against one another.

“Y/N, you’ve been with me through thick and thin. I just felt my girl could use something a bit more special, something I know she loves, rather than a simple dinner date for our five-year anniversary, ‘s all.” He smiles as my widened eyes glance over the room again, the giddy girl inside me squealing. I had been begging Calum to have a movie night with me in forever, blankets and pillows included. He always inclined, saying that we could just sit on the sofa and watch our movie.

His lips press against mine and it’s only when he pulls away I react, my lips still pouting as he grins down at me. “You – you didn’t forget?” I stumble, encircling his waist and hugging him close to my chest. “Of course I didn’t baby.” He breathes, pressing his lips briefly to my hair as he squeezes me closer.

I step out of his embrace, turning my back to him as I stare at my little fortress on the carpet. My heart swells and I feel tears threaten to spill, but I blink them away rapidly as I speak.

“This is like the best thing ever Cal, I mean – “

I turn around to glance at my boyfriend once more, only to not see him standing behind me. Instead, he is down on one knee, holding a small box up in the air for me to see. My eyes widen, almost popping out of their sockets, as my hands raise to cover my opened mouth. I’m flabbergasted, staring at the small twinkling gem on top of the small silver band. “What are you doing?”

Calum merely chuckles at my inconvenience and if we weren’t in this position right now, I would smack him across the head. My whole body is frigid, staring from the small box in his hands up to his mesmerizing eyes, twinkling underneath the dim lighting of the living room.

“I mean it when I feel like you could use something special. Would you do me the honor of marrying me?” He sticks out the box further in my direction, shuffling closer on his one knee and I let out a little squeak. “Are you – are you serious right now?”

Another chuckle slips my boyfriend, a deep sigh passing me in the meantime. I’m sure my eyes are as wide as ever, still, and I’m at a loss for words. “Of course I am. I love you.”

I don’t need a second to utter my reply. “I love you too.”

Seconds tick by, and nothing is said between us. I can’t think straight, Calum raises to his feet, coming impeccably closer. He’s becoming nervous by my lack of response. “So?”

It’s my time to chuckle dryly, smacking my boyfriend’s taut bicep as I glance up at him with the widest smile possible.

“Of course, yes, Calum, you dork.” He takes the ring out of its small container, holding it up to my as I offer him my hand. The ring slides perfectly into place, my fingers wiggling as I see it sparkle. This might be my favorite anniversary ever. “Apparently hell froze over.” I mutter, mostly to myself, thanks to the thoughts I had before entering our shared home, but Calum’s isn’t following my train of thought.

“What?” I snap my gaze to his, away from the ring, and I smile briefly before pressing my lips forcefully against his once more. “Oh, nothing. Just uh – a blurb in my head. Come here.” I pull him closer by his shirt, pressing our lips feverishly together. Our tongues dance against one another, both our bodies stumbling backward before our lips’ seal is broken and I squeal as I land on the plushness below me.

Calum drops on top of me, grinning down at me as he presses our lips together once more. “Ms. Hood. I like that.”

I break our kiss against, starting my trail along his jaw to his neck, ridding him off his shirt. “Of course you do.” Laughter bubbles between us as our clothes fly across the room, eventually leaving us bare to each other’s wandering gazes.

“I fucking love you.” Calum breathes as his fingertips ghost over my bare breast, goosebumps following his wake as my nipple hardens underneath his touch. I hum in response, coursing my fingers through his thick hair and slightly pulling it.

“Calum – “I breathe, opening my legs slightly as he flits them, his erection already pressing against my wettened folds. I start moving my hips along with his, groaning when I feel him slip between my folds and rub deliciously against my clit. A ragged moan slips me and I throw my head back as Calum slips inside and connects us.

My hands roam all over his chest before flitting over to his shoulders, digging my fingernails into his tan, broad shoulder as he starts jerking his hips to his own rhythm.  My high of emotions of all the events from this night have me spiraling towards my orgasm in no time, a low moan slipping me when Calum swiftly pushes his thumb against my clit, ruggedly making figure-eights.

“Calum – I – Oh.” My back arches off the floor, my nails scratching over his exposed back and my heels are digging into his ass, causing Calum’s hips to jerk more incoherently than before, his own lips parting as he comes crashing down, hips stuttering against mine before he stills.

I come down from my high with a shudder, my eyelids fluttering closed as I heavily breathe against Calum. A few moments between us pass in complete silence, but then Calum’s voice pipes up.

“Maybe we could get married when we reach year 6.”

Laughter slips me as I drape my body across my boyfriend’s, or should I say fiancé, pulling one of the blankets over our naked frames. “Are you planning on making every anniversary a little more special?”

Calum chuckles as he pulls up Netflix on the television, clicking through to romantic comedies in search for one as I warm myself on his body heat.  He turns his head to press his lips against my hairline, mumbling his next words. “That’s the goal.”

“Then I can’t wait to see what you can come up with for year 7.”

“You’ll see.”

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