❋mother daughter event❋

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My mom just left town this morning for a weekend trip to Nashville with her best friend for her birthday. 

So I went to a "Mother Daughter" event with my grandma and sister. It was super sweet and fun and it was put on by one of the kindergarten Girl Scout troops in our town! They had pizza and this really neat canvas button craft where you make a picture out of buttons. All different shapes, colors, and sizes. 

Me, my friends, my sister, and my grandma had a really good time!

I also had an...interesting school day.

Let's start from the beginning. (A very good place to staaaaarrrrt)

(dang you sound of music)

So I have PE second period. I walk out of the locker room and into the gym area where our teacher explains that today is "Fun Friday". So we played a game she named "Medic Ball".

To sum it up, Medic ball  is basically dodgeball with someone who can revive you. And when the medic gets hit, its game over. The other team isn't supposed to know who your medic is either. There's a few more rules but that's a summary.

So we are playing and I'm going nuts and dancing to annoy the other team, and one of y buddies on the other team is just throwing out balls like they are nuclear weapons. People are getting out left and right and the other team's medic can't keep up. All of the sudden a ball comes flying across the gym, it all happened like slow mo. The ball goes zooming and nail's my friend straight in the eye.

The entire gym winced at the scene. But he didn't sit out. He kept playing. His face red, his eye red and twitching, it was terrible. 

I was like, "You okay man?" and he was like, "Yeah, I'm fine!"

He was not fine. Later he was, but not then

So about two periods later, I'm walking into math and he's already sitting at his desk with his mask up so it covers his mouth (because apparently it smelled and we were all jking saying it was the stench our teacher left behind when she walked, or her perfume. none of us like her.) And two of my friends, Lemon and Ashie, are walking out. Here's what happened.

Me standing next to lemon and Ashie: Heyo nutella! Why don't you tell Lemon and Ashie here what happened to you in PE today.

and i will never forget what happened next

with no other movement

he winked

at me

and not like a "oho hey buddy boi" wink

like a "flirt witchu" wink

a foxxfang wink

and i know this cause I've seen the difference in his winks

that sounded weird

but i was kind of just frozen in fear

and the only thing I could think was

"god dammit he's hot"



anyways we kept kind of awkwardly glancing at each other during class and we had a conversation like this.

Nutella: *glances up*

Me: *glances up* *stares at nutella* "What?"

Nutella: "What do you mean what?"

Me: "What do you want?"

Nutella: "Nothing."

Me: "Okay then." *looks down*

Nutella: *looks down* *looks back up*

Me: *looks back up* "Stop looking at me!"

Nutella: "I'm not looking at you, you're looking at me."

Me: "Am not!"

Nutella: "Whatever!"

Me: *looks down*

Nutella: *looks down*

Both *looks up*

Nutella: "That's it I'm done"

Me: "Me too"

*Faces away from each other*

so yeah, awkward math class


i need help


I walked into Language Arts today, whipped out my laptop and pulled up a Just Dance video of I Will Survive.

We had five minutes til the end o the passing period and I began to perform the dance sequence for the entire class.

One of my guy buddies was like, "Bro what're you doing."

And I was like, "Join in and find out."

By then end of the passing period the entire class was basically in the middle of a flash mob.

It was great.

Then our teacher came in and was like, "Flash Mob?"

and we all nodded and she was like, "Alrighty sit down."

Great teachers am I right!

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