the grandparents

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so til tomorrow I am chilling at my grandparent's house

to be honest, I love my grandparent's house. It's just that I'm always here with my sister so...

and I also love my sister, she just gets on my nerves sometimes.

Now I know some of you are probably like, "But Muffin, It's the middle of the week. Why are you at your grandparent's house."

Well...let's just say a) I'm officially on summer break

and b) My mom is on a work trip to Gatlinburg and didn't want me and my sis home alone with our dad.

And I don't know if I've mentioned it, but my dad and I have a very delicate relationship. In fact the entire family does with him.

He always has to be right and doesn't like hearing my "attitude" even though it's just me giving him my opinion on a topic.

This and a lot of other issues create a lot of arguments between me, my mom, and my dad. Because he does the same things to my mom. My little sis on the other hand just gets caught up in the middle of it and begs him to not leave when he storms out the door. It's just an average now.

My mom and I haven't found a solution to it yet, so we just do our best to stay on his good side. But as a teenager it's harder for me.

A big issue is that he always has to throw in his opinion on everything. When I'm telling a story and I mess something up, he corrects it and starts and argument on it. It's crazy! He doesn't understand that people don't always want your opinion, they want you to listen.

So whenever my mom goes on a trip, we generally stay with our grandparents. We've tried to stay at home with him, but without my mom it becomes 10x worse then when she's home.

But yeah, I've got my sketchbook, spaghetti, and a stack of books. I'm pretty darn happy!

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