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when your friend (@Animal-Feather) sees your crush at chik-fa-looo and you haven't seen him since school got out


(p.s the whole nutella thing has been solved, life is great once again! This guy that I've been friends with for a while has been hanging around a lot so I'm trying to focus less on all the drama and just having good times with him and my friends)

(fetaher saw him at chic-fa-loo)

on the last day of school, my pe teacher took us all to the new park built right behind our school instead of class (we went bowling later at a bowling alley)

but until then we played at the park for about 45 minutes

I hung out with my close guy friend (chic-fa-loo dood)  (we'll call him rice) almost the entire time and we (the whole class) all took turns trying to fall off the tire swing

im the only one that fell off

Rice had to drag me to the side to make sure I was okay

so we just sat in the grass and watched everyone else while recording it with our phones

we also ate my chips that I had snuck into my backpack

it was cool

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