things from my first full week of school

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yaaaaaayyyyy schooooool

jk i want to go back to summer

first week of eighth grade accomplished, not too shabby

I like my teachers, my classes are pretty aye okay, and nothing has gone terribly wrong!

scratch that yes it has

my school is adding on extensions right now, so we are surrounded by the sounds of construction.

the dust being picket up keeps setting off the fire alarms, so one thursday, it went of like 3 times. But the fourth time there was a real fire and we had to evacuate.

the best part was everyone was just so chill and talking like our school wasn't potentially burning to the floor. and my teacher came over to my friend group and was like "say cheese girls!"

and i was like, "in the middle of a fire!?"

and she was like, "pretty much, no smile! thats going on the shark team instagram!"

i love my teacher so much XD

we also were playing get to know you games, and i found out this one really popular yet really funny kid got hit by a boat

he fell off those floats that you ride on, and while the boat was looking for him in the water, it hit him

the same kid also forgot a girl named chandler's name and ended up calling her chandelier

i also had basic pe testing this week

which included the pacer test

god kill me now

i got a 23 because you have to improve by ten each time so i didn't really try this first time.

also i got the best seat in show choir. i sit on the border of the soprano section, right next to the baritones. which is basically a group of 7 guys who either play football, soccer, lacrosse, are in theater, and are the absolute funniest guys ever. all my guy friends are mainly baritones so we just talk memes the entire class period.

i literally had an on the spot improve skit about  drug deal with my one friend colin and it was really funny. I'd worn a hoodie that day so i flipped it up and was like, "yo got the stuff"

it was really entertaining

also, my school had a blackout today. so that was fun/scary.

there are two wings to my school, the east wing and the west wing. and all seventh grade classes are taught in the east wing, while eighth grade is in the west. well unlucky for us, the power only went out on the west side. good news is, when the power went out i was on the east side for art class with no idea what had happened.

so when the bell rang and im walking to my second period gym class, all the staff was like "nah bruh go to the cafeteria till we figure this ish out."


i was lucky and hap my laptop, earbuds, book, and sketchbook on me to entertain myself. others had nothing and literally napped.

eventually they sent us to class, but when no one could see anything, they sent us across the street to the highschool and to their auditiorium. so we all packed into the auditorium and watched the blind side, great movie btw.

they also brought the higschool mentors program club out and introduced us to the juniors soon to be seniors that would guide us through our freshman year next year. which was pretty lit.

I also saw a bunch of my highschool friends form student impact so they all gave me big hugs and jazz.

so not to bad of a first week and a half

also please go wish  masellagray 

a happy happy birthday! It's tomorrow so leave some awesome messages on her message board for her please. she deserves the world. Love you girlie! see you when you get back.

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