Muffin's Travel Log pt.1

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March 31st

We finally arrived in San Francisco LATE last night. We were so dead tired that we just fell right asleep. We did say a quick hi to my uncle though and he was o happy to see us! Now it's Saturday and were going shopping in a small town called Larkspur, where my uncle lives. The shops are very cute and the ice cream is the BOMB DIGGITY! My cousin, we'll call him Coal, is really chill and super fun. He had to work today but said we'd see him a dinner. His dad's taking him to get some cool fancy google watch with his work money.

April 1st

Happy Easter! April Fools!

Jeez it's already old. So me, my little sister, and my 16 year old cousin all got Easter candy this morning from "the Easter bunny". Some Snickers, Twix, Starburst, Lifesavers, Rice Krispy Treats, the usually. Let's just say my sister and cousin ate their candy for breakfast while I had an Asiago Cheese Bagel from Panera. Very delicious! We then proceeded to pile into two cars and drive to this place called Point Reyes (I think thats how it's spelled?) to see some elephant seals. The ocean view was beautiful and we got to go into this very old lighthouse which allowed you to see the whole beach! I should also mention my other cousin, we'll call her Marigold, was there too! We all spent the entire time laughing at jokes and memes and quoting vines. The things we bond over these days am I right!

other: Coal is adopted from Russia and him and Marigold are both 16

April 2nd

Alrighty! So at breakfast, the family (my parents, my sis, and me) decided to go to this place called the Marine Mammal Center! Supposedly there are a bunch of elephant seals there so we decided to go and check it out!

We just saw the Mammal Center and holy cow was it cool! My sister says she wants to be a Marine Biologist and loved it! They had a bunch of babies they were caring for and they were so cute! My mom even "adopted" one! When I say that I mean we are funding his stay at the center! His name is Bilbo and he's so cute!

So that's my first three days in Cali, more to come!

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