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y'all already know who it is

yeah boiiiiii

back at it again with dem tags

tagged by bunnerfly


you must post the rules

each person has to share 13 things about themselves

answer the thirteen questions your tagger gave you and make up thirteen of your own

you must tag thirteen people

tagbacks are aloud (but if you do it i swear to god i'll hurt you)

13 Facts

1. I absolutely suck at math and hate it more than anything else in the entire world.

2. i have generalized anxiety disorder. which basically means i have anxiety. it's not terrible but i tend to get really worried and anxious before big tests or events, but i surprisingly don't have stage fright. whenever i speak in front of people i'm not scared at all and i'm completely chill.

3. my dream vacation is to visit australia. i did a project on it in the fifth grade and fell in love with all of it. I want to go to the opera house, go scuba diving in the great barrier reef, go on a tour of the outback, and eat all the food!

4. I'm a big cheesy liza koshy fan, which also means i'm a big fan of the david dobrik vlogs and the vlog squad. i honestly want to meet them all someday. liza is my inspiration and someday i might vlog. of course ill have a real job but being a youtuber could be fun!

5. i have exactly 27 fadoras. yes i'm a hat nerd. sadly my school doesn't allow hats so i have to only wear them on the weekend which sucks cause i love them.

6. I'm a huge history buff. my social studies teacher and i will just have one on one conversations during class on all kinds of topics. i'm also the vice presdient of the geography history club. alongside one of my best friends, who we refer to as Dino, as the president.

7. i'm currently learning digital art and suck at it. yayyyyyy

8. my dream job is to be a director. considering im not the best writer, i think writing scripts could be really fun.

9. i'm 100% a vine enthusiast. i can quote them on command

10. I . love. stickers. i have a little tiny mailbox (like the plastic ones you get at the dollar store) that  is full of stickers. so reference for my birthday. if you raw me something that could be a sticker, i will print it on sticker paper and make it a sticker.

11. my friend group irl is called the nerd herd

12. i'm currently thirteen and in the eighth grade. im the youngest one on my hockey team, in my friend group, and maybe even on her. wait no that's shady XD

13. I love plants! well, mainly succulents. and it's all  lemonie's fault. cause at her birthday party i went home with two succulents that i names keith and lance and yeah so know i have 5 more.

questions from the tagger

what is your favorite movie?

hmm...either lala land or pitch perfect. love them both

who from wattpad would you pick to be stranded on an island with (choose three)?

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