orange juice(one)

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(Y/n)'s pov.

I was walking around HEB with my orange juice. The day was pretty chill so far. It was still morning time, 9 am to be exact. As I walked out I walked into somebody and we both ended on the floor.

"I'm so sory!" the boy I walked into said. I looked up and he was quite good looking. He had blue hair and one of his eyes was blue while the other one was more green. He got up and helped me to get up. He started apologizing but I insisted in it being my fault.

"Hey, I'm Awsten by the way." he said smiling.
"I'm (y/n). It's nice to meet you Awsten!" I said shaking his hand.
"Well (y/n) this might sound weird but can I have your number? You just seem like a cool person." he asked and I handed him my phone and he gave me his.

"Soooo, I see you like orange juice." he said after exchanging numbers.
"Yes, I'm quite passionate about it." I said with a small giggle. He just laughed and said "same". We kinda just stood there and talked for a while. It was really nice meeting such an interesting person like Awsten.

After about 10 minutes I had to get going. We said our goodbyes and parted ways.

*Time skip*

I got home and I was just laying on my couch and thinking. Suddenly something pulled me out of my thoughts, my phone buzzed. I looked at it and I got a text from Awsten.

Awsten: hey (y/n)! What's up?

Me: hi! The sky

Awsten: what?

Me: you asked what's up, the sky is up :)

Awsten: really, I didn't know that. cough cough sarcasm cough

Me: very funny ha ha ha

Awsten: but for real what are you up to?

Me: nothing just chilling

Awsten: same

Awsten: is your passion for orange juice still there?

Me: OF COURSE. What about your?

Awsten: strong as ever

Awsten: I have to go, but I'll text you later, byeee

Me: byeeee
Yup, I started another book. Also there is not enough of Awsten on wattpad so yeah. Hope you enjoy!

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