3 in the morning(two)

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Y/n's pov.

It was around 3am and I couldn't sleep. I looked out at the night sky and gazed at the stars. Suddenly my phone rang. I looked at it and I got a text from Awsten. Seems like he can't sleep as well.

Awsten: hey, are you awake?

Me: yeah, can't sleep \:

Me: what about you?

Awsten: same, I'm out of orange juice /:

Me: that sucks

Awsten: yeah it does!

Me: shit I have school tomorrow

Awsten: really how old are you like 14?

Me: no I'm 21 and in collage wbu?

Awsten: well I'm 25

Me: lol you're soooooo old

Awsten: and you're soooooo young, you're like a kid

Me: it's not my fault that I'm short

Awsten: no it's my fault

Me: yes

Awsten: pfff now it's my fault?

Me: yes!

Awsten: I'm blocking you

Me: you wouldn't dare

Awsten: why wouldn't I?

Me: because you love me too much

Awsten: shit you're right caugh caugh sarcasm caugh

Me: oh I know I'm irresistible

Awsten: rly?

Me: yup

Awsten: what if I have a girlfriend?

Me: no you don't

Awsten: how'd you know?

Me: you're to much of a goof

Awsten: what's wrong with being a roof?

Me: well if you wanna be a roof be one ahahaha

Awsten: fuck autocorrect I meant goof

Me: oh now it's autocorrect's fault? I think that you just wanna be a roof.

Awsten: haha very funny

Awsten: hey, I have to go, good night

Me: sleep tight!

Jesus he's such a goof, or you could say roof. But I really have to sleep it's already 4am.
Hope you enjoy and yeah! Thanks for reading!

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