London 2(twenty seven)

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Awsten's pov.

I woke up in the morning to see y/n beside me. She's so cute when she sleeps. I got up and it was around 1pm and we have to play around 4. Oh god sound check is in 30 minutes.

I quickly go into the bathroom and put on a sweater and some skinny jeans, of course. When I came back y/n was awake and smiling.
"Good morning." she said and I smiled.
"Mornin'. Get ready the sound check is in 20 minutes." I said and she got out of bed and into the bathroom.

Y/n's pov.

I got into the bathroom and took a quick shower. I dryed my hair and put on skinny jeans and one of Awsten's black shirts. Because why not?

I got out and Awsten picked me up and I screamed in surprise. He giggled. In the hallway were Otto and Geoff. The were laughing their asses off as Awsten was carrying me the whole time.

Time skip to 4pm

They just started playing and they were obviously amazing! At the end Awsten dragged me onto the stage and the fans started screaming "(insert the ship name for you and Awsten)!". Then Awsten took the mic.
"This is the girl I'm absolutely in love with! Please a huge applause for Y/N!" Awsten said and I blushed and smiled.

After they were done and had a meet and greet we went back to the hotel.
I crashed onto the bed and fell asleep. Ugh I can't wait for the rest of the UK.
Hey, Umm yeah. This is Maybe gonna have 40 parts.... Idk if I should skip the rest of the UK. I'll probably write the rest of the UK in one part, and Paris and  Rome will be in two parts. And yes something completely and utterly cliche will happen.

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