London 1(twenty six)

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Y/n's pov.

We were finally in London. The plane terrified me, but I'm okay and jet lagged. We were at a hotel in the middle of London. Me and Awsten were in one room and Otto and Geoff in the other one.

As soon as we got into the room I crashed onto the bed. Then I realized something. There's only one bed, I have a feeling lite Awsten has something to do with this.
"Awstennn!" I said as he got into the room.
"What is it?" he asked as he closed the door.
"Why is there only one bed?" I asked and Awsten sat beside me.
"Sooo that we can cuddleeee!" he said as he pulled me closer to him and hugged my soul out.

"We're staying here for 2 days, and the concert is tomorrow so that we have the whole of today to explore around London." he said and I looked at him. Oh no.
"Awsten no! We are not getting lost." I said as I knew he doesn't want to get a guide.
"Ohh come on! It'll be more exciting. And you know everything about everything." he started and sounded like a child.
"Ugh fine!" I said and he smiled bright as the Sun.

He got up and went into the bathroom. After ten minutes he came back and I went to change.
I put on a black Batman shirt and some ripped black jeans. And of course my black boots.

When I came back Awsten was outside the room with Otto and Geoff.
"Okay now we can go." Otto said and Geoff gave me a small. We went outside and Awsten started running around.

"Awsten! Don't run, you don't know where you are going." me and Geoff said and Otto was laughing his ass off.
He stoped and singed and said "Fineee...".

Time skip

We were in front of a Starbucks and we were about to go to the London eye. Geoff decided to get out drinks. I decided to get a simple coffee with a lot of milk and sugar. Awsten was holding my hand and Otto was on his phone. He was taking pictures of us but I pretended like I didn't notice.

Geoff came back and we went and got tickets for the London eye. As we got inside me and Awsten were together and Otto and Geoff were together.
We got to the top and it stopped. Outside was a beautiful sunset. And it was once again very cliche.

Awsten looked at me and smirked. Jesus he's soo adorable! He pulled me closer and we kissed. He got his tongue into my mouth and shivers went down my spine. After a while our lips parted and I blushed. He just giggled and smiled.

I fucking love this goof!
Happy Easter everyone!
Hope you liked this! And thanks for voting and reading!

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