late night talks(six)

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Y/n's pov.

It was finally friday! This has been a long week. From exams to tons of homework, also spring break is only a week away. I was just laying in my bed and chilling when Awsten texted me.

Awsten: hey. I was gonna ask you if you wanted to hang out this weekend?

Me: sure roof

Me: will nut boy be there?

Awsten: who is nut boy?

Me: Geoff ^_^

Awsten: yeah him and Otto will be there

Awsten: to catch up with you

Me: wohooo nut boy, girlfriend, roof and me!!!

Awsten: and girlfriend is Otto?

Me: yes

Awsten: why nut boy and girlfriend?

Me: call me

Awsten: why?

Me: because I don't want to type everything

Me:I'm lazy AF

Awsten: fineeee I'm calling

Me: yay ^-^

Awsten's pov.

I was alone in bed when y/n wanted me to call her. I just pressed call. No turning back now!

"Hi Awsten!" said y/n. I just love her sweet voice.
"Hey." I said. And the conversation started.

"Okay! Soo one time me and Geoff were hanging out, you know casual. And he wanted to text one of our friends that he 'managed to cut himself on his cut' because he already cut himself when he fell from a tree. And then he did it again but with a knife when we were trying to make sandwiches. But instead of 'on my cut' it ended up being 'on my nut'. And he sended that to his mom by accident. Nedless to say we both had a talk with his mom because she knew that Geoff was hanging out with me." she explained.
"Slow down jelly bean." I said as she told me the story in about 30 seconds.

She just chuckled and asked "Why jelly bean?".
"Why not?" I asked and she gigled.
"But his mom seriously thought that he cut his 'nut'?" I asked and she laughed and confirmed.
"And she told my parents and the thought that me and Geoff were doing God knows what." she said and laughed.

"As for Otto. He always sang Girlfriend by Avril Levinge. And I just started calling him girlfriend because of that." she explained.
"It kinda makes sense for Otto to do that." I chucked.

We just continued talking until about 1 am.
Before we hang up I said "Good night jelly bean." and she said "Sleep tight roof!".
We both went to sleep and I fell asleep thinking of y/n.
Yes, I'm doing two updates a day because I have lots of time at the moment. I'll probaby usually write once a day or once every two days. Also thanks for 20 reads. I know that it's small but you seem to like it, so thanks! In the next chapter y/n and Awsten will hang out and it'll be pretty cute. Also I don't know where the idea of calling Geoff 'nut boy' came from and the back story is pretty weird but I'm weird so it makes sense :)))

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