aeroplanes(twenty five)

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Before you start reading! I just started a new book! It's called "Wrong number (Geoff Wigington × reader)" and I'm excited about it. Soo check it out if you want! But first read this!

Y/n's pov.

I'm in an plane with Awsten beside me and Otto and Geoff imbehind us. And I'm also very scared of flying.
My hands started shaking and Awsten looked at me and hugged me.
"Someone is scared of flying, isn't she?" he whispered in my ear and I noded.

"No need to be scared, I'm here and you can hold my hand if you want." he said and I smiled and held his hand.
The plane started flying and I was terrified and Awsten just giggled at my fears.

"Awsten. It's not funny. I'm flipping terrified!" I said and he just smiled and kissed my nose.
"You're soo cute." Awsten said and I blushed vigorously.
"You two are just adorable!" I heard Otto and Awsten say and I blushed even more.

Soon I got used to the feeling of being in the clouds and I was just falling asleep. Soon I drifted off to sweet slumber.

Awsten's pov.

Y/n fell asleep and she was adorable! I couldn't help but smile at her.
"You love her don't you?" an old lady that was sitting beside me and y/n asked.
"Yes very much." I answered and smiled while I looked at y/n.
"Well you two sure seem happy together." she said and I smiled even more.
"Yeah we are pretty happy." I said back and the lady chuckled.

"She's a keeper, you know?" she asked and y/n squished my hand a bit more.
"Yeah she's quite special and unique." I said and the lady gave me a smile and laughed.
"Young love." she muttered under her breath and I smiled even more.

After about 3 hours y/n wake up.
"I have awoken." she said and I giggled and gave her a small kiss.
"Me loves you." I said.
"Me loves you too." y/n said and she kissed my cheek. I'm in love with this girl.
This was just cute!
Hope you enyoj and thanks for reading and voting!

We don't quite fit in✔ (Awsten Knight × reader)Where stories live. Discover now