Saturday night(eighteen)

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Y/n's pov.

It was about a week since me and Awsten last saw each other.

Awsten💕: hey, me has question for u

Me: da question is...

Awsten💕: my friend Travis is having a party on Saturday, and I wanted to know if you would like to come with me?

Me: yeah, of course I'll go with u ;)))

Awsten💕: woohoo, I'll pick you up tomorrow at 8 pm.

Me: okay, luv u<3

Awsten💕: luv u more <3

I was smiling like an idiot until I realized that I'll probably have to meet more of Awsten's friends. I have to text Geoff.

Me: nut boyyy

Geoff: what is it?

Me: you know Awsten's friends, right?

Geoff: yeah...

Me: I want to know some of Then

Geoff: I can introduce you to our friend and photographer Jawn

Me: cool can that be today?

Geoff: sure...

Geoff: I'm gonna give him your number

Me: okay

Geoff's pov.

As y/n said that she wanted to know more of Awsten's friends I told her about Jawn, and I'm gonna give him
y/n's number.

Me: hey Jawn!

Jawn: sup dude?

Me: umm Awsten's girlfriend wants to know more of his friends

Me: soo here is her number ***-***-***

Jawn: soo I should text her?

Me: yup

Jawn: sure.... what's her name?

Me: oh it's (y/n)

Jawn: that kinda rings a bell idk why though

Me: well just text her already!!!

Jawn: okay chill Jeff

Y/n's pov.

I was waiting for a message from Geoff but instead I got one from somebody who I assumed was Jawn.

Jawn: hey, is this y/n?

Me: the one and only

Me: and you're Jawn

Jawn: no y/n,  I'm your father

Me: well might as well call you daddy

Jawn: kinky I see

Me: noo that was autocorrect

Jawn: yeah sure... ;)

Me: ugh not to be rude, but what does your face look like?

Jawn: like this

Jawn: what does your face look like?

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Jawn: what does your face look like?

Me: like this
(insert picture of your pretty face)

Jawn: not a bad face

Jawn: actually very pretty, would you be interested in modeling, maybe?

Me: what, boy I'm ugly AF

Jawn: no that's me

Me: no you have a pretty face

Jawn: gurll I'm fladered but you have a boyfriend ;)

Me: you little son of a...

Jawn: hey no cursing little miss

Me: I'll cure if I want to

Jawn: umm I need to go, think about the modeling though, byee

Me: bye
Told you I'd mention Jawn and also Travis in the next chapters. Also if you don't know who Jawn is.... WhAT aRe YoU DOinG heRe? Lol jk. Also this is just a quick lil update and yeah.
Thanks for reading!

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