Texas is forever(thirty two)

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Awsten's pov.

I woke up with y/n cuddles next to me.
She will probably sleep for a while. I don't mind though. She's adorable.

I try to get up but y/n puts her arms around me and I can't escape. Oh god.
"You are not going anywhere." she mumbles just laud enough so that I understand.
"Why not?" I ask her in a kinda quiet voice.
"Because it's cold and you are warm." she anwsers and looks up at me smiling.

"Soo you are just using me for my warmth?" I ask teasing her.
"Yeah, pretty much." she says and pulls me even closer. Sometimes I wonder how she can do that.

"Come on y/n. It is already 2 pm." I pout and she just shakes her head.
"It doesn't matter. You're staying in this bed." she says and looks at me with a serious look.
"And what if I don't stay in this bed?" I ask her smirking.

Y/n's pov.

"And what if I don't stay in this bed?" Awsten asked with a smirk spread across his face.
"You are grounded mister." I say and he turned himself onto his side so that he was facing me.
"No you are grounded little miss." he says smiling.

I can feel my cheeks heating up. Oh no. Why do I always blush around him!
"You look like a strawberry right now." Awsten said laughing his ass off.
"Jesus." I mutter under my breath and get up.

I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and fixed my hair. As I came back Awsten decided to kiss me.
"Dog breath." I tell him. He starts blowing air into my face.
"Really roof?" I ask him with a kinda annoying voice.
"Of course jelly bean!" he says back.

Time skip

Awsten just dropped me off at my apartment. I really wish that we could live together. Maybe one day...

I took out all of my things out of my suitcase and I got my camera. I started looking through the photos and smiled. Most of them were of Awsten and me. Some of Otto and Geoff and a few artsy pictures.

I really want to get into photography again. And I'm going back to collage in five days. But I'll graduate in about one month so that's amazing I'll be able to spend more time with Awsten.

It's so weird that we know each other for about four months and we've also been dating for four months. I just love him. No. I am in love with him. I wonder if he really feels the same.

After thinking and eating I crashed into my bed and feel asleep. Another last day.
I finally updated yat^~^.
Hope you like it and thanks for reading!

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