texting and eating nutella in a dark kitchen(three)

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Awsten's pov.

I was just sitting around and talking to Otto and Geoff when I got a text from y/n. Geoff looked at my phone and read the message. I didn't really have time to stop him and he started yelling.
"Awsten has a girlfriend!" Geoff yelled and Otto started jumping on the couch with him.

"She's not my girlfriend!" I said but they continued.
"Well do you like this 'mysterious girl's? And how'd you meet her?" asked Otto.
"I don't know honestly after the whole thing with Ciara I'm afraid to feel things for someone. Also we meet at Heb." I answered and they stopped jumping and sat down.
"Well, she probably isn't like Ciara. But you should text her I think she send like 20 messages." said Geoff and he handed me my phone.

Y/n's pov.

I got bored so I started texting Awsten.

Me: hey

Me: did you become a roof?

Me: you would be a cute roof.

Me: where are you?

Me: Awsteeeennnn

Me: did you find another friend?

Me: are you leaving me?

Me: noooo you are my best friend

Me: well good luck with your new friend

Me: do you have any friends?

Me: do you by any chance know Geoff Wigington?

Awsten: omg y/n

Awsten: wait you know Geoff?

Me: yeah our parents knew each other and although he is older than me we were amazing friends

Awsten: well I'm sitting next to him right now

Me: okay say hi to him

Me: also tell him to text me

Awsten: he said hi

Awsten: what are you doing?

Me: eating nutella in my kitchen with the lights off and texting you. Wbu?

Awsten: why in the dark?

Me: I'm too lazy to turn the lights on

Awsten: wow just wow

Awsten: I gotta go, text.you later

Me: byeee you roof!
Umm plot twist I guess. Apparently y/n knows Geoff and that will have a big role later on. But yeah Hope you enjoyed and thanks for voting and commenting!
- Spooky💜

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