5:30am: I woke up from a strange dream since my alarm woke me up but noticed I was upside down in my bed. I swear I heard a shuffle in my room but I was to tired and just brushed it off, going back to bed.
6:30am: I woke up to my alarm clock going off and got up turning it off and turning on my light. I turned on my phone and started texting someone who experiences the same things I do, telling him about last night until I started to feel like I was being suffocated then in a couple seconds it was gone suddenly. I've also been feeling muscle weakness recently.
Unexplainable Incidents (2018)
HorrorThese are things that I have been keeping record of for... various reasons. Im told not to share this but screw him he's not my father. It's my life and my experiences. I suppose you can call this horror but the most scariest part about it is that i...