These are things that I have been keeping record of for... various reasons. Im told not to share this but screw him he's not my father. It's my life and my experiences. I suppose you can call this horror but the most scariest part about it is that i...
Favorite Quote: "If I showed you the darkness inside me would you still see me the same way?" Last Song Listened To: Touchin' On My by 3OH!3 Lock Screen:
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Favorite Animals: Wolves, cats, and dogs. Epic Pictures:
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Random Fact You Thought Of: Dogs help relieve stress. A Wish: I wish to meet my boyfriend in person and become a police officer when I get older. Tag Ten People: fnafplayer2489 JoHnLoCkEd1102 iiOmq_Crazy Raining_Bullets Red_And_Axel @RP_Addict @SleepyDragonFly @RainbowDinoBarf @prandsome @Pixelated_Priam13