August 3rd 2018

13 2 0

9:32am: I was in the bathroom until I started to taste blood run down back into my throat.

9:43am: I was sitting down, getting ready to draw until I started to cough again.

9:46am: Alright so I just noticed the date and it blew my mind cause I don't really have memory of the past days. I also just noticed that I have a proxy symbol on my fucking pj bottoms. (The picture above.) I'm shook.

10:00am: Ok so am I the only one who for example with drawing can see a mental picture of what you want to do and basically print it down on the paper or is that only me? I'm able to see what movements I must make before I even make them as well. This is gonna sound really fucking crazy but it feels like a sixth sense or third eye almost. I can predict things before they happen and I can calculate my movements. It's mind blowing to me actually even though I sound crazy.

4:29pm: I've been sleeping all day cause I've literally had NOTHING to do which sucks. I woke up with blood running down the back of my throat again. I'm not really that hungry anymore as well. When I do it I don't do it cause I'm hungry I do it because I know I need to eat to live.

6:13pm: I just got a strong pounding headache. I feel like Masky with all the pills I need I swear. It keeps fading in and out. I hear ringing as well.

9:34pm: I'm sitting outside on my porch with only the porch light on and it's very relaxing. I don't know about you but I love nature. Even though I can hear something walking in the darkness on the other side of the fence. It's still relaxing. I don't really wanna leave.

9:40pm: I'm still sitting on the porch and when I started reading a Yandere Masky x Reader book (cause why not) my stomach started to turn. I feel suddenly nauseous now and it's strange. I feel a bit light headed actually. Everything seems to have gotten darker as well. The noises are getting louder too. I shall push on though.

9:43pm: Ok umm. So I finished the last time update and went back to keep reading my book and it's no longer in my library. That's very strange since I was just reading it.

9:48pm: Damn these incidents are happening hell of a lot faster. I was looking around though and everywhere I looked I saw the shadow of a tall and slender humanoid figure. It kinda weirded me out that I literally saw it everywhere. I'm now listening to music to hopefully calm my nerves a bit.

9:52pm: So I'm still listening to music then suddenly I got another pounding headache. It fells different though. Half my hearing cut out actually. I gotta go take two more pills for it now.

9:55pm: My dad shut off the porch so now I am in the complete dark. Something also just grabbed my hair lightly. This house is fucked.

10:00pm: I was yawning and I just randomly twitched. I've been randomly twitching a lot lately actually.

Unexplainable Incidents (2018)Where stories live. Discover now