Around 1:20pm: I got a massive headache during class to the point where I had to get an ice pack and try and cool myself down. I was also having hot flashes.
Around 3:40pm: I was at a softball game and I still had the headache from sixth period. My head felt like it was being hit with a bad really hard, repeatedly. I had to ask for two Tylenol from my coach which she gladly gave me. After a little bit we were practicing pop flies and I still had my pounding headache so I had to hold myself on my knees. It felt like I was gonna throw up. I had to spit to keep my brain distracted. My spit didn't look the right color either. It was hot as hell as well which didn't help. I had to lay down in the grass to calm my headache slightly. Then when the first inning of the game started my headache just went away.
Around 9:15pm: I got ANOTHER pounding headache. This point it was a lot more painful now. As in I didn't want to get up and my eyes teared up. I refused to show weakness though so I held back my tears like a trooper. This time I took two ibuprofen and went to go eat. Me and my mother were trying to figure this out but struggled to find a solution. After about an hour it went away which was nice. If I have any tomorrow I'm not going to school. Fuck that.

Unexplainable Incidents (2018)
HorrorThese are things that I have been keeping record of for... various reasons. Im told not to share this but screw him he's not my father. It's my life and my experiences. I suppose you can call this horror but the most scariest part about it is that i...