1:30pm: I was walking back to the office before someone shouted and called me a Psycho Bitch. I didn't pay attention or turn to look or anything. I just kept walking then when I went to go down the hall I heard the same person say, "I hope you heard that." Usually I don't feel much rage but for some reason I felt really pissed. I had been breathing hard for about a half hour before I finally calmed down. I don't know why it angered me so much. It was very weird.
2:47pm: I was sitting in PE listening to music till I looked down and I noticed that my skin was all grey and discolored. My finger tips were purple and cold as well. It's almost like my body is dead. It's kinda cool honestly.
11:30pm: I was in my room and I was looking out my window till my head started to spin and then I started coughing. I started to taste blood. More than usual so when I went to go brush my teeth my saliva was red. I keep shaking and twitching and I feel drop dead exhausted.

Unexplainable Incidents (2018)
HorrorThese are things that I have been keeping record of for... various reasons. Im told not to share this but screw him he's not my father. It's my life and my experiences. I suppose you can call this horror but the most scariest part about it is that i...