7:08pm: Sorry for the late update but earlier in class with... "him"... I was listen to music and rested my head on the desk and looked over at him then I saw him pretty much staring at me. I looked away and smiled, giggling to myself. I still don't know what his first name is and I'm tempted to do some..."investigating"....
7:17pm: Earlier in my Science class as well I started writing on myself with sharpie and this is the result, the picture up top. Earlier either my contacts of my vision was fucking up on me throughout the whole day.
Unexplainable Incidents (2018)
HorrorThese are things that I have been keeping record of for... various reasons. Im told not to share this but screw him he's not my father. It's my life and my experiences. I suppose you can call this horror but the most scariest part about it is that i...