December 26th 2018

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11:05pm: For some reason my dog is really paranoid or afraid. She refuses to go into my parents room to sleep next to my parents bed then just now I shut the drawer in the bathroom as she was in the living room and she started to bark at the door, thinking someone was here. It's very strange and it's been happening for quite some time. I'm going to binge watch Marble Hornets for what seems like my 5th time. Let's see how this goes. I'll update you lovely readers in the morning. If I remember.

11:19pm: Alright. So not even 10 minutes in my TV starts to glitch out of no where. What a great sign.

11:22pm: I officially made up my mind. I'm going to save up to buy myself a camcorder and GoPro. That's creepy as fuck. My TV just went to a black screen for a minute or two.

11:24pm: Now my phone is acting up. I'm struggling to edit and all my entries are being switched around.

11:29pm: EW! FUCK NO! My dog barked again and this time I looked out my window just in time to see my street light turn on brightly then just shut off. This is cool but not fun!

12:02am: My dog just came back inside from being outside for a bit and the hair on her back is all raised up, meaning that she's either scared or alert.  I'm started to become very paranoid.

2:02am: My dog is barking again at "nothing". I also found the so called "Rosswood Park" from Marble Hornets. I did my research and uh... let's say got help from another Rabbit as Habit(EverymanHYBRID) would call it. In the photo above it's seen that the real area of where the "Rosswood Park" scenes took place was really Bladon Springs State Park in Silas, Alabama. For those of you who want to explore that place. How do I know that's the "Rosswood Park" in Marble Hornets? Well it's also seen in the screenshot that I took that there is the play set in entry #4 of Marble Hornets even though it is seen that not all toys are there. I'd say that's my best bet though.

2:53am: My dog barked again. Something is in my house. I know it.

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