December 9th 2018

8 1 0

Ello Readers! I'm not dead as you can tell. The weird stuff has been kind of dead though. The silence before the storm is always the scariest.

1:48am: I was laying in bed with my pupper and mom since they were there before me apparently then I started to hear a loud ringing then right before I asked my mom if she could here it, it stopped. I decided to ask her anyways then she gave me a weird look and said 'no'. I heard a slight ringing earlier too but I brushed it off.

7:34pm: I was standing at the dinning table and I heard a constant thumping on the window. Once I opened the curtains it stopped. I saw nothing. I looked at my mom and asked her if she heard it then she gave me another look and said no. I've also been getting bloody noses for no reason now. The storm is beginning.

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