March 11th 2018

35 4 0

Time unknown: I was texting a person that is experiencing stuff like me and told him something that interested him. I told him how in the middle of the night when everyone is asleep I look out in the hallway after hearing footsteps. I also told him that I see a black figure quietly scurry into the living room. He told me that next time I should get a light and shine some light on it. He also said that if there is something then I better pray that it doesn't have intent to cause harm and or that I better run like hell.

Time unknown: Later that day/night(not sure) I texted him again telling him one of my experiences when I woke up. I told him that when I woke up It felt like I have the operator symbol burned/carved into my eye sockets. I also told him that after the symbol faded away with my sight returning to normal it was replaced by a loud ringing with my hearing cutting out for a bit before it faded too. He found it interesting as well. Until I brought up something that he did experience. I asked if he said that if he gets his lungs and chest messed with (Not in a dirty way) and he responded with a yes. I asked him if he ever felt like his heart was being squeezed and he said sort of. I remember feeling the pain of it and trust me it doesn't feel nice at all. He couldn't understand my pain though which left him curious

Time unknown: I remember telling another incident after the one before and told him that it happened again. I remember waking up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason and ended up seeing a black figure over me almost. It was carved into my sight as well. He couldn't answer any of my questions since he had never experienced it.

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