July 24th 2018

14 1 0

(As you can tell I did this a while ago. I forgot why I exactly drew it though. I just had a creative spark I guess and yes it is drawn on a whiteboard. Just a quick little sketch I suppose.)

Last Night(Sorry): I also noticed that in EvermanHYBRID Evan says that he has no dreams, can't remember them, or that he didn't FEEL like he slept when he did. It creeped me out a bit because all of that's me. For most of my life that has happened to me. There were those very few days when there was a spark of something but it's usually one of those. I could possibly be over reacting because I'm still tired but I'm still paranoid about it.

2:18am: I woke up for some reason. Maybe cause my throat was dry. Then I stretched and hugged my pillows behind my head. Something sharp went underneath my fingernail though and now I'm bleeding. It's on fire.

2:30am: Woah. Ok so I was looking through my last few entries I guess you can call these. I was looking for spelling errors before I noticed that in a couple of my entries they say that I'm rewatching a Slenderverse series (Ex. Marble Hornets) then something really strange has happened. I find that a bit too much of a coincidence. Something more is going on. Wait. I also think it's when I was writing and or reviewing my notes on the characters. Odd.

7:30am: I just woke up from a strange dream. I was put through trials with other people. Of course my trial was to swim through water. If you don't know I have aquaphobia. So once I got into the water I started to scream cause I just couldn't control my voice. The person training me just stood there and watched me struggle. After a while I swam through it to get it done with. After I had met someone familiar. He was quite handsome in my opinion actually. He was tall, slender, and in a tux but what was different was the fact that he actually had a face. He had cold, dark blue eyes, pale skin, and pitch black messy hair. He was sat next to some other people who I don't remember. He stood out to me though. He had sat down in a chair at a table almost and he was judging me on something. What he said is a bit staticky. He then offered a hand to me and I took it. Then it all went black and my father had woke me up.

11:50am: Me and my father were out on another road trip and we stopped by at a Wendy's to eat. When we walked up to order our cashier I suppose you could call him looked really familiar to me. Deja vu hit me hard. I just couldn't recall where he was from or where I've seen him. Then when we finished eating and we're leaving his face popped into my head. I saw him on my dream but that's all I can recall.

12:26pm: We were on our way back home as when I was putting my stuff back in my bag I started to taste the familiar metallic taste of blood. I couldn't find where I was bleeding from though.

8:51pm: I was on a video chat with my friend. As he left the camera screen a strong static took over his audio. Things became distorted right after I looked out my window.

Around 11pm: I was still talking to my friend before my stomach started to hurt. The pain increasingly got worse as I kept talking to him so I eventually had to end the call. After a while of just laying in bed it started to fade away. It was so weird.

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