Febuary 16th 2019

17 1 0

So I want to start off by saying happy late Valentine's Day! Alright onto the entries now.

12:50pm: I was sitting in my room and I started to cough. I kept coughing and I have no idea why. I know I'm not sick or getting sick cause I feel perfectly fine. I still can't shake the feeling that I'm being watched either. It feels nice though. I don't feel lonely anymore.

1:42pm: My electronics are shutting off by themselves now. Great. I also am feeling very... weird. I don't know how to explain it. My memory loss is very bad as well still.

2:18pm: Someone was talking to me about "him" and they're too persistent about it. They just won't stop and he's getting frustrated about it. My throat feels like it's burning.

2:23pm: My heart is racing. They just can't let this subject go. My pills haven't taken effect yet so I'm starting to get a headache. I taste blood in the back of my throat as well.

4:39pm: I just got a haircut and I feel like a completely new person. It feels nice.

8:57pm: I got a random message from someone and then they wanted to talk about "him" as well. I have a feeling of who spread the word about me though. I know a lot more than I let on as well and I'm pretty sure some people have found that out already. For future reference, if anyone wants information from me, you have to make yourself trustworthy to me otherwise you'll get little to nothing from me. Plain and simple.

9:08pm: I was sitting next to my open window until I heard very loud ringing. It faded away momentarily.

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