April 14th 2018

38 4 3

11:08pm: Ok so sorry that I haven't been updating much recently sadly one of my family members has gotten into another car crash and I've been struggling physically. I was told that I may have tore a muscle or something in my knee from softball so I'm physically in a lot of pain. I've also been feeling like a pill popper(I swear I'm not)since I've had to take many pills for headaches, backaches, knee pain, etc. Along with sneezing a crap ton and I've just felt under the weather recently. On the bright side I've mentally been a bit better and I've been making closer friends with my guy friends. (Just.As.Friends....Get your mind out of the gutter.) In my personally opinion I think that guy friends are better then female friends. Less drama. I think. Anywho I still feel watched and my hat has still been falling off the wall continuously. I've also woken up with my shirt half off before. Very odd since I don't strip in my sleep. How are you all doing?

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