June 29th 2018

14 2 0

Around 2pm: I was on a trip to EWU and I was listening to an adult tell my about their CJ (Criminal Justice) building and schooling then as he was talking I kept zoning out along with a constant ringing. I've still been coughing as well. I still have coughing fits and it's very strange. I'm also sorry for not posting frequently, I have been feeling so exhausted and I also basically have extra schooling that I've signed up for so I've been busy with that. I've just felt so so so tired recently and I almost sleep all day just trying to get rid of my tiredness. It as you can see hasn't been working. I've still been waking up really early and at night I noticed that my feelings have started to emphasize a lot more then usual. I'm trying to get things at least somewhat together so wish me luck on that. I also have just been feeling very anxious for no reason along with, slight but not long lasting headaches, muscle weakness, and just been having a lot of memory difficulty. My electronics have been spazzing out as well. For now I'm gonna try and sleep off this none stop exhaustion.

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