chapter 6

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„Do you wanna go for a walk?" Shawn suddenly asked, which startled you since you had just gotten there.
„Uh, sure?" Shawn grabbed his coffee and you basically had to run after him.
„Chill." you laughed as you caught up to him.
„Sorry, I got a headache and needed some fresh air."
You understood and told him that you respected that.

„So where are we going?" Shawn just smiled and kept walking.

„Do you like movies?"
I looked up to him and responded:"Yeah of course. Why?"
He pointed across the street to a store and spoke:"The rent movies. I know, not very typical nowadays since everyone has Netflix and stuff but if you're into it we could check it out."
You were so into it! „Yeah of course."
He seemed just as happy that you said yes because he continued:"You can rent them for only two dollars each and they got pretty cool stuff sometimes. They even have old tapes and sometimes even vinyls."

The more he talked about it, the more excited you got as you two crossed the street to enter the store.
A little bell rang out.
You two started to look around for some cool movies and you even found one you thought Shawn would like as well.
So you wanted to show him and started to look for him in the store. You eventually found him kneeling down in front of a box that said „sale".
„You found something?" He asked you.
-„Yeah i got..." You started but he interrupted you. „Oh shit, i found Lord of the Rings."
He stood up again and eyed the movie like it was a glass of cold water when you've stayed in the desert for days.
„Really?" you asked, grinning. „Its everything! Please tell me you've seen it."
Guilty you looked away, earning a groan from his side.
„How dare you? We gotta watch it!"
You laughed again and nodded at him.

„Girl we gotta! I'm just gonna pay for this." Shawn and you walked up to the little table to pay for your movies that the guy even put in a bag for you after you'd already told him you had a bag already.
„Alright good."
Shawn said goodbye to the man and you two left the store again.

„You do know that you have to come over to my place one day to watch Lord of the Rings?!"
You couldn't help but laugh out loud.
„Im serious, this is serious business."
He gave you a very serious look and you tried to hold in your laughter."
„But I-."
-„No buts, you are watching it."
You decided to just let it be because you didn't want to upset him or him to tell you how much you were missing out.

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