chapter 30

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"Hey Shawn what's up?!" You pulled away my hand that Shawn had been holding a second ago, in shock. "Hey Luke how are you man?" Shawn stood up laughing and hugged his good friend. "Luke that's y/n. Y/n Luke." he introduced the two of you and you stood up as well.

"Hey how are you?" Luke finally spoke and he smiled at you. "I'm good how are you?" You replied also smiling and looked at him. He had incredible blue eyes and blonde hair, but he still wasn't quite your type since you were more into the dark kind of type, you know, dark eyes and dark hair.

"Bonfire huh? How come? We haven't done this for years Shawn." Luke then laughed and sat down on a chair across from the two of you that Shawn had brought up here a little earlier. Shawn started grinning and then said, "It was actually y/n 's idea. She wanted to meet my friends." Outraged by this lie, you elbowed him in the side and he started laughing out loud.

"Okay maybe I wanted her to meet you guys." he then confessed, but meanwhile gave me a cautious look. "Exactly!" You interjected, looking at Shawn with a scowl, which then dissolved into a laugh. "Cool." Luke grinned at you and added, "Joe texted me before. He's coming too? Who else is coming?" With a quick reply Shawn said:" Yeah he is. And I invited Dylan and I guess he's gonna bring Emily with him." With a nod, Luke acknowledged his attention.

"So what kind of food did you prepare?" You grinned at Shawn and then replied, "We baked some muffins and Shawn got some sausages." Luke grinned widely, then sat down cross-legged and said softly, "Sounds good. Then get it Shawn." - "Okay." Shawn finally replied and stood up and disappeared down the dark staircase. You watched him for a bit, but then turned my attention back to Luke, who smiled at you and then asked, "How old are you?"

You ran your hand through your hair for a moment and then replied, "18 what about you?" He started laughing and said, "I just turned 20 a couple weeks ago." You just nodded as he asked the next question:"How long have you known Shawn for?"

Luke looked at you carefully and you quickly said: "I met him like 3 weeks ago because I just moved here. I'm living abroad at my aunt's." Interested he looked at you and seemed as if he had really listened. "That's awesome. So you're here for a year now?" - "Yeah until September next year." You returned and covered yourself in the meantime, since it was already relatively cold.

"Then why is your english that good?" he asked a few minutes later and he looked you in the eyes. "Long story...I guess i'm just good with languages."

- "Okay I won't ask any more questions." he laughed back and then turned his gaze to the flame. So you leaned back and looked up at the sky. It was clear sky and you could see a few stars, but you could see that there were some big clouds approaching. Actually, it was the perfect night. Starry skies, bonfire, muffins and a beautiful setting, but you actually would have preferred to spend it alone with Shawn.

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